SW Trails PDX
Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2011

Attendance: Don Baack, Glenn Bridger, Sharon Fekety, Michael Kisor, Chris Mays, Diane Mays, Laura Campos, Paul Gleason, Lee Buhler

Chair Don Baack called the meeting to order at 7:04

Don reported on his exciting trip to Minnesota.

Carl had sent out draft bylaws and we will review them for approval next month.

Chris talked about finances.  He had developed spreadsheets.  They had balance and unpaid bills. Chris said it might be possible to get Excel for non-profits.  Glenn said if that doesn’t work out he might be able to get it at low cost.  Chris looked into PayPal and it should be easy to set up once we get our 501c3 status. Don has talked to businesses that are willing to be sponsors on the web site. Lee talked about what has been done on the web. Don described a new web page showing trail maintenance issues in southwest Portland.  He said sometimes it is hard to determine what government agency is responsible for a trail segment. Don said it was important to transfer the swtrails.org and domain name to SW Trails PDX.  He said it was important to transfer the 4T trail project to SW Trails PDX.

It will cost about $450 to incorporate as a 501c3.  We have $150 of Donations. Carl Fink of the KL Gates law firm is graciously doing pro-bono work to get the incorporation. Chris asked what bank we should use and Umpqua and Key Bank were suggested. Don suggested continuing fund raising at hikes.  Chris said it would be good to use a receipt book. We will try to keep track of as many contributions as possible and make sure anyone who wants a receipt gets one.

Glenn pointed out that we need to get insurance, Gales Creek is the logical source.

Chris and Diane will lead the next hike.  They are thinking it might be nice to go to the zoo.  Glenn Bridger has organized a Thanksgiving day walk starting at 9:00am. Unlike normal SWTrails Walk, this one features home made scones mid walk.  This will not be a forced march!  Meet at the usual place behind the Dance Studio at SW Capitol Hwy and SW Sunset.

We talked about SW Trails relationship with SWNI.  Glenn said he thinks things will go very well.

We discussed sidewalk funding. Laura made the following motion: That SW Trails PDX write letter to Commissioner Nick Fish requesting funds for sidewalk on Talbot from Fairmont to Patton. Lee seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.  .  See the letter on the SWTRails.org website.

Lee made the following motion: That SW Trails PDX write  a letter to Tom Miller asking PBOT do a pilot project on SW Marquam Hill Road for an extended shoulder and climbing bike lane on the North side of the street.  Laura seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.  See the letter on the SWTRails.org website.

Don asked about media contact and a possible FaceBook page.  Glenn said it was important to do the web page first and then set up a FaceBook page. He said it was very important to do a FaceBook page as those are the people we want to attract. Micheal suggested a press release. Don is planning a walk with a reporter from the Oregonian and invited people to join them. Glenn said it was important to let people know that we are growing. Lee suggested an email newsletter.

Don reported on the walk around with AARP and Portland State. Don will represent AARP and the PSU Institute on aging on the Barbur Concept Plan. The AARP magazine reported on organized walking groups to promote wellness in Albert Lea, Minnesota and Don thought the concept would go well in southwest Portland. Sharon said it was a good idea once we get organized. Laura suggested a walk with Friends of Terwilliger as a part of the centennial celebration for Terwilliger Blvd.

Don thanked people for participation in  the work party at Wilson High School.

Glenn reported on the Barbur Concepts walk that happened today.  They will repeat the walks next Saturday. He said the focus on the project is to figure out land use issues.

Don suggested talking to the Christian School on Capital Hill Road to see if they want to apply for Safe Routes to School money to get a sidewalk behind the guardrail just beyond Safeway.  (PBOT is working on this bit of sidewalk with the Safeway remodeling—lets hope they are successful)

Next meeting is October 27, 2011 7pm at the Watershed.  Nov 17th and Dec 15th are the subsequent meeting dates

The Meeting was adjourned at 8:20

Respectfully submitted

Lee Buhler



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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small