W Trails PDX Meeting
October 27, 2011
Attendance: Don Baack, Peter DeCrescendo Chris Mays, Katurah Pennington, Wendy Cawley, Phyliis Towne Laura Campos, Paul Gleason, Arnie Pantitch, Michael Kisor, Greg Schifsky Lee Buhler

Chair Don Baack called the meeting to order at 7:02 Lee made a motion to accept the agenda. Katurah seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously

Chris made a motion to accept the September 2011 minutes. Katurah seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously

Wendy Cawley from the Portland Bureau of Transportation gave a summary of the Barbur High Crash Corridor project. Barbur and Beaverton-Hillsdale highway were identified at high crash corridors in southwest Portland There are other streets in other parts of town that are designated high crash as well. They are working on Barbur first. PBOT sponsored an open house focused on Barbur in the spring. They have developed a draft plan. Wendy handed out a summary of the plan, focused on short term inexpensive things that can be done in the next year or so. She said Barbur has a higher incident of driveway crashes and of vehicles running red lights. She said speed can be high on Barbur as well. Only about half of Barbur has sidewalks and. many key areas without bike lanes as well. They have started construction on a pedestrian island on Barbur at Whitaker. A HAWK signal is scheduled for Whitaker and Naito to help walkers seeking to tuse the new Gibbs Street Pedestrian Bridge which should open in February (Urban Trail 1) Laura asked what a “hawk signal” is. Wendy said it is a flashing stop signal that is activated by a pedestrian or bicyclist. Don asked who will maintain it, ODOT or PBOT. Wendy said it wasn’t determined but PBOT probably will. Wendy said the first step in improving a crossing is to add an island (at the Barbur crossing, lower speeds and fewer cars than Naito). If that is not adequate they will step up to a rapid flashing beacon. Then a “hawk” signal and then a full signal. The stopping compliance improves with each of the treatments. Chris asked if there were other “hawk” signals in Portland. Wendy said yes and gave some examples. The improvement of the crossing at 4900 SW Barbur has been a priority for SWTrails for several years. Wendy said the crossing at the 4900 block of Barbur has been a problem for ODOT and PBOT for some time. They said they will break ground any day and have it completed by Thanksgiving. Arnie asked why Barbur is not marked as 99W. Wendy said that ODOT has jurisdiction on Barbur and would make that decision. Arnie said he had trouble getting someone to replace bad overhead lights at Capitol Hwy and Barbur, a difficult place to do work with a truck bucket device, as everyone wants to pass the buck. Wendy went over other proposed Barbur improvements. She said most of them are ODOT funded. There will be two new crossings between 19th and 26th. The exact locations have not been determined. Wendy said they will also do education and enforcement. Wendy said the Portland Police wrote 194 citations on Barbur in July. They are doing distracted driving enforcement actions to get people to stop using cell phones while driving. There will also be a pedestrian improvement at Laradel, another site that has been a focus of SWTrails. Laura asked where to cross at the new pedestriand island construction on Barbur near Whitaker. She worried that people will not expect pedestrians at the mid-block site where they are building the new crosswalk. Wendy said there will be stripes and signage installed. Don suggested a list of the more expensive and more difficult changes needed on Barbur be placed on a Capital Plan List Wendy said they will be addressing the Beav-Hills highway high crash corridor in 2012. They have constructed an island at 43rd  and will be installing a RRFB, Rapid Flasing Beacon at SW 62nd. Don thanked Greg for focusing attention on the pedestrian crossing needs on BHHwy in this area Chris suggested getting private funding for un-funded improvements. Peter suggested adding a surcharges to traffic tickets in the problem areas and dedicate the funds to improvements. Don pointed out that the crossing at highway 43 and Richardson needs improvement. Maybe Hwy 43 should be the next SW high crash corridor?

Arnie gve an overview of the Sunday Parkway events. He gave a history and talked about the program in Portland. Streets will be closed to cars from 10-4. Police and volunteers will monitor the routes. They will avoid routes with bus lines. There will be booths in parks along the route. People may set up tables to give or sell things. They like to have a figure-eight loop and 5 to 6 miles in length. So far, they have been in other areas of the city that tend to be flat. This will be the first on in southwest and it will be on July 22nd. Peter said there are a variety of people in other parkway events such as many people on “art” bikes. Don said this was discussed at the SWNI Transportation Committee. They are recommending adding Terwilliger Blvd to the route. He said parking may be an issue. Don asked if SW Trails should be involved with the Terwilliger Celebration. Laura said she liked the idea of a walk. She talked about other parkway events that she went on. She said one problem is the bikers not yielding to pedestrians. Arnie said the bikes tend to take over the parkways. Peter they could designate parallel routes just for walkers. Chris said they started biking those events but gave that up due to the randomness of the way people bike. They now walk. Arnie said it would be good to have a volunteer to talk about the history of Terwilliger. Peter suggested descriptive signs along the route with historical pictures. Don said his first experience with Sunday parkways was in Reo de Janeiro Brazil.

Don talked about “East Portland in Motion” This is a summary of all the improvements needed in east Portland. The items were then prioritized. Don suggested doing something similar for southwest Portland. That way a city-wide plan could be developed.

Laura moved that we write a letter to city commissioners requesting funding for a southwest Portland in motion planning project. Michael seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Phyllis reported on our upcoming hikes. Don will lead the November hike and Lee will lead in December. She thanked Chris for the October hike, which went well.

Bylaws for SWTrails PDX:  Arnie Rowland sent a comment talking about the exact wording for a part that the IRS expects. Don read Arnie’s suggested text. Lee asked about the part about influencing legislation. People thought it would not have much impact at it said “substantial” activity. Michael suggested changing the removal of a member by the membership rather than the board. Michael also suggested making sure that members can initiate bylaw changes. Michael suggested changing default notification from mail to email.

Lee made a motion to approve bylaw with suggested changes and if the changes cannot be made reconsider the issue next month. Chris seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following vote
Yea: Don, Lee, Laura. Peter, Trudi, Chris Katurah, Greg, Paul
No: Michael

Don said we need five directors. Don suggested Don, Glenn, Lee, Michael, Chris Katurah made a motion to elect the following as directors:
Don Baack, Glenn Bridger, Lee Buhler, Michael Kisor and Chris Mays. Trudi seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Don said we are a partner in Intertwine. Don said Brian Hat and he have begun the steps to obtain renewed signage on several trails. Peter has taken many pictures for the 4T trail. Don talked about “GIS Jams” The objectives are to get the SW Urban Trail routes to come up in google so we can find the shortest way to walk places in SW Portland. We also need to get the SW Urban Trails on the TSP as an overlay to avoid problems with new construction issues. The Bureau of Development Services has no idea where the SW Urban Trail routes are located. Don said this is a multi-year project.

Trudi said she heard that Hillsdale Terrace might change their name to Stephen Creek crossing. She did not think this was correct as the true crossing name is the “Raz-Baack Crossing”. She has been talking to the housing authority. She said if “Raz-Baack” was more visible people would think of it as the Raz-Baack Crossing. Trudi suggested a bench honoring Don and Gail Baack and another one honoring her parents. Trudi displayed a map she found in her attic that her father made showing the Raz-Baack crossing. Trudi suggested a “Raz-Baack” sign on both sides. Laura suggested a cob bench.

Don said there is a dog and person drinking fountain at the newly renovated Fred Meyer. He said Safeway may do the same thing. Don said Portland Parks has been doing graveling in Duniway Park.

Lee made a motion that SW Trails write a letter in support of the Red Electric Trail. Grant proposal. Chris seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The Grant Request was submitted on Oct 31st 2011.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:01
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Buhler



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