SW Trails PDX
Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2011

Attendance: Don Baack, Sharon Fekety, Michael Kisor, Lee Buhler

Chair Don Baack called the meeting to order at 7:10

Lee made a motion to accept the agenda with the addition of a pedestrian advisory committee report.  Sharon seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously

Sharon asked about the dues in the bylaws. Don said there will be a $5.00 per calendar year membership fee.  We choose this method to track memberships.  Glenn will be developing the membership sign up form.  We will ask our walking contingent to join.
Don said Carl is working on the articles of incorporation.

Lee motion to elect Sharon to the SW Trails PDX Board of Directors.  Michael seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Peter DeCrescendo will do a video about the Red Electric Trail as proposed in the SWNI grant submission. There is also money for a map/brochure. They expect to print 1000 to 2000 brochures.  All based on getting the grant.

The November hike went well. We walked on parts of the Red Electric Trail. We were not able to walk much of the route due to overgrown vegetation and a lack of public access, several hundred feel of trail right of way will need to be acquired.   We will get a report on the Red Electric at the December 15th meeting at the Watershed, 7pm.

Don met Jennifer Modarelli-Devoe, the owner/managing director of Whitehorse who is willing to do a website for free. Michael said it was important that it not be flash based.  Arnie Rowland cautioned that we need to guard against a complex or labor intensive update process for the web site so that we can update it easily.  We will invite interested forlks to join us when we meet with Jennifer.

Michael asked about the website and what Arnie was offering. Don said Arnie was willing to let us use his site Michael asked about advertising and said he would like to be involved on website development.

Lee will lead the November hike hopefully across the new crosswalk on Barbur.
Sharon will lead March hopefully over the Gibbs pedestrian bridge if it is completed by that date.

Don said there will be an article in the Oregonian on SW Trails PDX soon Came out on 11/25 in the community section.   Here is the URL: https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2011/11/improving_pedestrian_connectio.html

Don said he did not want to do work parties on private land until we get our non-profit status and insurance.  However, we can do work on Parks land. There are several steps that could use gravel.   We will plan work parties in 2012.

Don sent the letter requesting a  SW Portland equivalent to the East Portland in Motion and Tom Miller said it would be considered in the budget process.  See the letter on the trails web site:  https://swtrails.org/swportlandinmotion.pdf

Don has arranged for PBOT Red Electric project managers to be at future SW Trails meetings.  Don there will also be a walk around with one of the project managers, Liz Mahon on December 14th at 10am  We will meet at 6495 SW Burlingame Place and go from there after we discuss the trail overview in a warm environment.

Don said Jessica Engleman of TriMet will also be at a future meeting.

Don reported on the Pedestrian Advisory Committee discussions of vegetation management. There is a confusion on who has authority and how far back from the road pavement edge the vegetation must be cut back. The BDS reportedly has posted the narrow ROW south of SW 19th and Capitol Hill Road to remove branches for the proper height and asked the adjacent property owners to remove the backberries.. This is one of the  ten locations posted with pictures on the SW Trails website. This is a location were an adjacent neighbor has parked on the narrow right-of-way, impeding walkers.  Michael said there was a hedge on Garden Home Road that is dangerous as you cannot see around it.  Don asked Michael to send a picture of the problem to put on the list. We looked at the examples on the web.

Here is a summary of the steps takens so far and what needs to happen next on the walker safety issues on our SW streets.  BDS has looked at the sites and posted them for pruning or other actions to the degree of their authority.  That means along streets without sidewalks to post the cutting of brush that overhangs the street to the edge of the pavement.  On those sites that require more pruning for walker/biker safety, PBOT has to get involved.   At this time the city does not have a single person to contact to address the problems, but must ask several bureaus.  Once we get all the sites re looked at again, we will be able to suggest some changes to make the process more efficient.

Don said BES did an extended shoulder on Garden Home Road.  Don said it would be a good idea to have a walk along it to see how well it works.  He suggested inviting several interested groups and people.  Michael said this is good timing as the speed bump issue is being discussed.

Michael motion: That SW Trails sponsors a joint inspection walk on Garden Home road from 45th to 69th inviting the SWNI Transportation Committee, Ashcreek and Multnomah neighborhood, Elders in Action, the PSU council on aging, AARP, the Senior Center, Moon Shadow residents, Portland Pedestrain Advisory Committee, Portland Bicycle Advisory Committee, Portland and Multnomah County committeeson disabilities, PBOT Staff, BES Staff, ODOT staff, Washington County officials  as well as Commissioner Kafoury, Commissioner Saltzman and Mayor Adams.  Lee seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Lee will set up a walk to look at the pedestrian crossing issues around the National College of Natural Medicine.

Sharon pointed out that the crossing of Burnside of the Wildwood trail is very dangerous. SWTrails has expressed support for funding a bridge at this site.
Don said the ADA trail at the Raz-Baack crossing may need some work. Don said the Housing Authority  may put up signs for the Raz-Baack crossing to avoid confusion with their new name.
Don said a Oregon State Trails organization that has just been formed. He said Jefferson Smith has a transportation committee as part of his campaign.

Don talked about the sidewalk issues on Sunset Blvd in Hillsdale. Don said he hoped they would put sidewalks on both sides and a climbing bike lane.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:06pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lee Buhler



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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small

Michelle McCabe

Margaret Stambaugh

Gordy Molitor

Linda Barkus

Lisa Caballero

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