SW Trails PDX
November 15, 2012

The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy  
Portland OR 97239

Attendance: Don Baack, Lee Buhler, Sharon Fekety, Virginia Hendrikson, Cole Trusty, Dianne Mays, Chris Mays, Elizabeth Mahon , Michael Harrison, Dave Knowles Loretta Knowles, Mike Pyszka, Brian Ryder, Michael Kisor, Barbara Stedman

Don called the meeting to order at: 7:03

Lee made a motion to accept the agenda. Barbara seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Don announced that next month (December) would be our annual meeting with the election of our board and the setting of fees.

Red Electric Trail Update:

Elizabeth Mahon who is the project manager of the bridge on the Red Electric Trail talked about the project. They about to enter the design refinement of the bridge. They will determine the exact design for the bridge. There is environmental documentation required to comply with regulations for the grant. They hope to know the location and size of the bridge by July. They will be getting community feedback. The will bid in spring of 2014 and began construction in summer 2014.

BES is working on a sewer line repair at SW 21st which flows into the area where the bridge will be constructed. They are working with BES to work out compatible schedules.. She passed around a sign-up sheet for public involvement on the bridge design. Don asked Liz what she thought the bridge would be like and she said it would be a 12-15′ wide multi-use ped/bike bridge. They will have to remove vegetation and maybe a few trees. I twill most likely be made of concrete. Mike asked about lighting and Liz said that is possible. Dave asked why the bridge and Red Eletric trail are important. Don said we have working on key routes since 1995 such as the Red Electric Trail. He said the funds came from Federal Gas Tax funds. He said the Red Electric trail is a regional trail that will go from Fanno Creek to the Willamette river at Wilsonville. . Liz said it was important to have the Red Electric Trail off-street. Don said this bridge will allow an sustained grade. He said it was also important to not have children riding on streets. Liz said there will also be sidewalk improvements on Vermont. They may also do improvements on Nebraska if funding allows. Barbara asked about a section of Bertha and Liz said it would be shareos and it is separate from the Red Electric. Michael asked where the BES culvert is. Liz said it is on the north of the ravine by the guardrail.

Don said Kyle Chisek has finished a design for a section on Chestnut. Don talked about the section of trail on Capital that needs work. It may be under construction for some time. Don said some wands were put in but the buses have destroyed them.

Don said the Maplewood extended shoulder would be constructed next spring. Don and Glenn talked to Mark Lear about the easement at the Multnomah Presbyterian Church. They found a slightly easier alignment. They proposed painting lines on the parking lot. Construction should be easy but there must first be an easement agreement and permits.

Don described extended shoulders. He said it was important to have it paved with no parking signs. Don said on November 29th there will be a hearing at City Council on the Street by Street initiative. Don described the Street by Street program. Don said the sidewalk project in Hillsdale is about 90% designed. There is another section on Spring Garden and 19th that is in design. Barbara said she heard it would be done by the end of this year but that is probably not possible.

Walks: Sharon said Lee will lead the December hike. Cole may lead January. Sharon said a dog knocked Cole down at the last hike. Cole described the incident. A hawk was eating prey and the dog was looking at it when it suddenly raised its wings and spooked the dog. The dog hit Cole. He expects to fully recover in the next few months. Don said dogs on leash can injure as well. Dianne said the dog usually is very well behaved. We agreed by consensus that dogs should be leashed on our hikes.

Don said there are several of proposals in southwest such as the Hoot Owl corner. There is a proposal to fix Barbur at 19th. There is only $20 millon available and there is probably $35 million of projects.

Don talked about Cheltenham Court. There is about 300 feet that would do well with an extended shoulder. Lee made a motion to request a 4 to 5 foot extended shoulder on Cheltenham from Pendleton to Westwood. Barbara seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Chris said we had $1516 in our account. Don said he had checks for $105 and a bill for $432.

Don asked if anyone wanted to go to Intertwine meetings.

Video: Don said Glenn and Peter have done a lot of filming for the Red Electric video. They have interviewed Congressman Blumenhaur and have several other people to interview.

Brian said he lives near 44th and Patton and there is a pathway with a bridge on Fanno Creek that is about to wash away. The bridge was put in about 15 or 20 years ago. There are many governmental agencies that must approve a new bridge. He said he will try to work with his neighborhood and SW Trails to get it replaced without incurring liability.

Don said there is a section of 18th near Montgomery that would be good to get a trail on. It would require an easement from a neighbor.

Don there is also a trail that was suppose to be built behind some apartments near Montgomery. The trail was not built and Don said it would be good to put legal pressure on the property owner to build the trails, but that will not happen for some time.

Dianne said there is an area at Jackson Middle School that could use a bridge. Don said he would talk to Jennifer Devlin of BES as they are planning to do work in that area.

Don talked about a section that could be used for a trail on 25th and Texas. Don displayed an aerial picture of the site and described how a path could make pedestrian connection much better. Don said BES is concerned about their watershed property and may fence it off. Cole made a motion to request a 20′ right of way at the Texas extension from the BES property to the church property and ask BES to develop a policy that requires public input for closing BES property. Glenn seconded the motion and passed unanimously.

Glenn said he and Don drove as many pieces of the Red Electric could. Glenn and Peter then videoed several parts of that area. They made good progress. Glenn said it was important to increase support for the Red Electric trail. A suggestion was to develop a web page to register people supporting the trail and possibly get donations. He said the URL redelectric.com is available. Don asked how much it would cost and Michael said he thought it would be around $10.00 for the domain name. Glenn moved that SW Trails allocate $50 for web page development. Cole seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Dianne suggested .org rather than .com. Michael said most people default to .com. Glenn suggested using both.

Don suggested a one page Red Electric update that we can put on Cafe’s and similar public places in southwest. Don said a manager at Fred Meyer agreed to put Red Electric brochures and possibly print them as well.. Barbara said they got a survey on priorities from BTA and the Red Electric Trail was on it.

Don said he asked the manager of Fred Meyer if they would like to help at Himes park in SW and he said he thought they would. He asked if anyone was interested in working in Himes Park with Fred Meyer employees. Brian asked how often and Don suggested a couple times a year. Several expressed interest.

Michael said he was going to put in an order for flashlights. Don said he is going to put in an order for vests.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:39

Respectfully submitted,

Lee Buhler



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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

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Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small

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