Monthly General Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2013

The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239

Attendance: Don Baack, Virginia Hendrickson, Barbara Stedman, Sharon Fekety, Ed Holmes, John Burns, Dawn Uchiyama, Barbara Bowers, Michael Harrison, Doug Rofers, Sharon Keast, Liz Marantz, Greg Raisman

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm

The agenda was approved.

There was  a discussion of the possibility of a Phyllis Towne library at the Watershed building. Barbara Bowers offered to inventory the books. Access would be limited to members attending the meeting as the Watershed building is a secure building.

Upcoming Walks: Sharon will lead March and Virginia will lead April

Greg Raisman of the Portland Bureau of Transportation talked about several trail issues in SW Portland.  There has been preliminary survey work done on the Coronado trail. There are complicated issues such as environmental, grade and adjacent property owners concerns. They are working on a trail by SW Tunnelwood. The Bureau of Environmental Services is working on managing water issues.  The Presbyterian Church easement is on-going and not resolved.  Don said he has requested the city summarize the new liability law, the old liability law and the current city code about liability on trails for adjacent property owners.  It has not been provided. Greg said he will get information to Don in about it in the next week. The easement is important for the continuation of Trail #3.

Greg said SWIM (Southwest in Motion) is a plan for pedestrian and bike access to transit. They have applied for funding. EPIM (East Portland in Motion) will be a model for SWIM.  SWTrails sent a letter of support for this effort.  It is on the web site.

Dawn Uchiyama and John Burns from the Bureau of Environmental Services talked about the Stephens Creek storm water system. This is a pilot approach to storm water planning and they plan to address condition specific to southwest Portland. For example, they have to deal with clay soil which storm water does not infiltrate well. Storm water must be cleaned up and must not flow into streams.

Liz Marantz and Sharon Keast talked about the proposed trail on Coronado. It would cross Boones Ferry and enter Tryon Creek State Park. Coronado is not a through street and there is a section that is an unbuilt right-of-way. There is some opposition by adjacent neighbors to having a trail developed. Mark Lear of PBOT has talked to neighbors.  Greg talked about the current status. People can walk on the public right-of-way.  Adjacent property owners have liability for unimproved right-of-way. The public right-of-way is not well defined.  Property owners are upset by “trespassing”. Liz and Sharon need more answers to take the issue to the Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association March meeting.

Submitted by,

Virgina Hendrickson



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Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

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Virginia Hendrickson

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