Monthly General Meeting Minutes
Highlights: Discussion on trails going down from OHSU
May 23, 2013

The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239


Attendance: Lee Buhler, Barbara  Bowers, Keturah Pennington, Hans Steuch, Sharon Fekety, Chris Mays, Dianne Mays, Michael Harrison, Katural Pennington, Barbara Stedman, Doug Rogers,  Patrick O’Dell.

Lee Buhler called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

After introductions the Keturah made a motion to approve the agenda. Dianne seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Keturah made a motion to accept the April 25, 2013 minutes. Sharon seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Sharon reported on SW Trail’s hikes. Chris and Dianne led a hike to Council Crest for May and it went well.  Pete Schmierbach will lead the June hike and Lee will lead the July hike.

Chris reported we had $1625.72 in our bank account.

Barbara reported on the membership drive for this year. There are 34 paid members this year.  Barbara went to the May hike and gave a pitch for membership. She got three memberships there. Dianne said she sent out an email reminding people to re-up their memberships. Chris said there were 15 PayPal memberships and 24 elsewhere.

We discussed ways to increase awareness of SW Trails. Lee said it would be good to have something on paper to give to people about SW Trails. Doug said SW Trails is well-known but people do not know that we are now independent of SWNI and we need support as well.

Dianne suggested a once a year mailing about SW Trails memberships. Doug said that mailing might be best in December as people are thinking about charitable tax deductions. Keturah suggested another mailing in June. Doug said we should develop an organized pitch.

Patrick suggested an envelope for people to send their membership in.  Lee said we would make a draft envelope for the next meeting.

Chris suggested an appeal by land-mail. Keturah pointed out there would be costs to a brochure including mailing costs. Doug said he thought there would be a one out of ten return based on his experience with other non-profits. He said he could help work on a brochure design.

Michael talked about proposed trails around OHSU. He said he has looked at existing trails with neighbors and Park’s staff. He said the terrain from Barbur to OHSU is close but steep. The existing Trail #1 is up a driveway and not in good shape. It has flooding uses when it rains hard. There is another trail along Woods but it is also very steep and muddy. He would like to improve that path and possibly make an all-weather path. He took staff from Parks to look at the trails and they will decide what if anything we can do. He said this trail would fit in good with the SW Corridor Plan. He said OHSU would like to have a lighted path and many of the staff use these paths.

Doug said there might need to be an easement on the path. He said it has been there since 1935. Doug said these trails have a large number of users.

Lee said the SW Trails money from SWNI would be transferred soon as our letter of determination from the IRS has arrived.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lee Buhler



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