Monthly General Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2013
The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239
Attendance: Don Baack, Barbara Bowers, Keturah Pennington, Virginia Hendrickson, Lee Buhler, Dave Manville, Wendy Cauley, Kristen Acock, Kurt Krueger, Tim Hamilton, Joan Hamilton, Karyn Hanson, Steve Keating, Barbara Stedman, Michael Kisor,
The meeting was called to order at 7:03:pm
After introductions the agenda was approved.
Minutes: Keturah made a motion to approve the October 2013 and November 2013 draft minutes. Dave seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway High Crash Corridor
Wendy Cawley talked about the Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway High Crash Corridor. She said they have installed a rapid flashing beacon, islands and buffered bike lanes, (double lines beside the travel lane). She said the crossing distance on Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway at Shattuck is too long. They are considering removing the right turn lane and use that space for pedestrians. They are considering other improvements along the highway. She said the data shows that 15% of drivers are driving 51mph or faster and it is a 40 mph speed limit. They may ask ODOT for a speed reduction to 35mph. Don ask if they had asked for other speed reductions and Wendy said they got one on Burnside and have requested another one on Division. They expect to ask for more speed reductions.
Wendy said they are considering closing SW 21st. The roadway is in disrepair. It will be used for Bureau of Environmental Services facilities. Don said it will be plantings and drainage over a a sewer project. He said it will be an expensive project. Wendy said they will consider pedestrian access through the area. Don said if pedestrian access is not put in now we will have to put it in later. He said it was the most unsafe section of the Beaverton-Hillsdale highway. He said he sees people walking there now and hopes to see a sidewalk in the next ten years. Michael said anytime you can provide pedestrians a way to get of the highway it is a good thing. Michael asked what countdown at pedestrian signals mean. Wendy said it is the countdown timer that people see when they cross. She said studies show that pedestrians are better able to gauge how much time they have. She said it seems to be helpful to drivers as well. Don asked about a new signal at 25th, . (there currently is a pedestrian activated signal that confuses drivers since cars do not activate the signal. Wendy said it is one of the locations that does work but it could work better. However, new signals are expensive. She said it is called a half signal.
Street Vacation
Kurt Krueger of the Bureau of Transportation talked about a requested vacation at 25th north of SW Nevada. He displayed an Aerial photo of the area and a map. A developer has been interested in the property for some time. He said the Bureau of Environmental Services would like to see some environmental improvements in the area. There will be about eight or nine lots. Kurt said they would like to see better pedestrian connectivity in the area. Don showed a route on public right of way and where the housing authority is building steps at PBOT request. Kurt said they will get curbs and sidewalks and a trail at the end that goes through the wetlands. It is important to BES that the trail be built correctly as it is an environmentally sensitive area. He said the vacation takes some time as there are many steps. Don said access is important as there cannot be direct access to Capitol Hill Road unless the road is improved. Kurt said there were difficult discussions on the trails through the area. He said BES is nervous about having pedestrian access through the wetland. Don pointed out how well the Raz-Baack crossing is working for protection of the environmental area. Kristin said they have talked about a boardwalk on Texas. Michael said it was important to have connectivity in the area as it would connect Hillsdale and Multnomah. Kristen pointed out where the route of Stephen’s Creek was in the area. Dave said he saw catchments in Seattle that worked well for habitat. Kristen said they are working on a slightly different version that is more natural. Kristen said it is hard to build such areas in southwest.
Kristen Acock from the Bureau of Environmental Services talked about BES plans for the property. She said they have funds from the Grey to Green program. She said it can be used for several different projects. She said they have just started a study on what is best for this property. She said it is years away from being constructed. Don said he thought it was very important to have a right-of-way dedication through their property between SW 26th and SW 25th along the alignment of SW Texas. . Kurt said there are Federal and State regulations on the wetland. Kristen said they are OK with pedestrian access if it were a properly constructed walkway. Michael asked why there was an objection to an easement. Kurt said they have been very concerned about damage to the area. Kurt said BES does not like a dedication as it would not allow them complete control of the area. He said he is hopeful an easement could be worked out. Dave said the protections for sensitive areas in Woods Park has worked well except for one area and they have plans to improve that area.
The RAZ Baack Crossing of Stephens Creek was discussed as another walkway that protects the environment.
Coronado Right-of-way
Don asked about the problem on the Coronado trail where an adjacent property owner built a fence. He said the fence encroaches 30 feet onto the 50 foot right-of-way. Kurt said there is disagreement in the office on how to handle that situation. He said they gave the owner two options: to grant a permit or remove it. Kurt said he would not give a permit as the right-of-way could be used at some point. He said some in the office want the fence removed now and some want to wait until there are plans for a trail. He said the trail has been used for some time and therefore they should move back a few feet. Dave said the trail makes a good route to Tryon Creek State Park. He said it is better than walking along Arnold where there is high traffic and no place to walk. Don said if the fence is allowed to stay it would encourage people to do this in other such locations. Kurt said it is difficult as the property owners are responsible to maintain the adjacent right-of-way. Cary asked about liability and Don pointed out that if a trail is built by volunteers with permits it takes the liability off the adjacent property owner. Dave asked about the permitting process and Kurt said they are working on it.
Don asked about the vacation at St Luke Church. Kurt said there was a pre-application process. They are not sure on what they are going to build. He suggested having the development team come to SW Trails meeting.
Don asked Kristin about 43rd and Tunnelwood and the fence there. Don said there is a large amount of water coming down and it is making a mess. He said it seems that there should something put in place to stop the erosion. Kristen said she would check into it and who is responsible.
Kurt said they are working on a flashing beacon for the pedestrian crossing at at 13th and Barbur.
Don said there is a list of data collection points when Barbur is closed for the bridge rehabilitation.
Kurt said they are looking to improve infill property development including a new fee that could be used for things such as pedestrian amenities. He asked people to think about extended shoulders as they are not quite as good as sidewalks but they cost a lot less and work well. Dave said the extended shoulder on Garden Home Road has worked very well. Don said studies show you get 80% of the safety benefit of an extended shoulder with much less cost. Kurt said the extended shoulder on Taylors Ferry has worked very well. Dave pointed out there is a street with an extended shoulder and a curb. He said it works very well.
Kurt and Kristen left.
Lee made a motion to send a letter to Kurt Kruger stressing the importance of moving the fence on the Coronado Right-of-way with copies to Commissioner Novick and PBOT director Leah Treat. Joan seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. (Letter sent)
Dave said he did not completely understand why BES is so opposed to pedestrian access at the 25th site. Michael said the Ashcreek NA has a policy of opposing all street vacations. Don said he is worried that BES might close the access in the future or say no bike access.
Lee made the following motion: That we approve the vacations of lots A and B at the 25th and Nevada site in exchange for an easement or dedication across the Texas St. pedestrian access. This should be 180 feet long and 20 feet wide. Virginia seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Virgina said she respects there are places where bikes should not be and hopes others will too.
Walks: Virgina said Don will lead the walk in January. It will go on new trails on Marquam area. We need someone for February.
Membership: Don said we got two new sponsorships; West Christian School and AARP.
Don said there will be a work Party on January 18th to help out graveling one the Portland Bible Church property. (since cancelled, to be rescheduled)
Don said there are some other areas that need work: Canby to Canby at 10th, the trail from Melville to Twombly, the trail from Bertha to the Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway on SW 25th and Tunnelwood and SW 43rd.
Lee said SW trails insurance is almost in place.(Policies have been purchased)
Don said we bought steps in 2007 and Parks was storing them. He said Parks said it was too long and we were not entitled to them. Don met with the head of Parks and he agreed to give us the steps. Lee has agreed to store the steps at his place until we need them.
Don said talked about the Parks priorities. Joan said she read an article in the Oregonian about the SDC funds. Don said it would take only a small amount to help the Red Electric, but it is not elgible for SDC funds, it is not on the list.
Don said that money will be there for April Hill Park trail improvements.
Dave said the city posted the final version of the plan for trails in Woods Park. The cost came in at $27,000 for the Marigold to Marigold trail project. Other trails will cost more.
Don said the Terwilliger/Capitol project is continuing.
Don said they found a place to get 4T patches. Aimee will work on the design and bring it to a meeting. It is the 4T logo with SWTrails on the top and Portland, Oregon on the bottom of a 3 inch round patch.
Dave said someone came to him about the Freeman water tower project. Don said we agreed to it with a pedestrian trail requirement. They would like us to drop that. We decided we could not support the request without the pedestrian connection provision as it is not in our charter.
Cary from Marquam said she is the new representative from Marquam and they are interested in improvements in Trail 6 in her neighborhood at 19th and Orchid. Don talked about the trail and he wants to contact BES about fixing an area where water is ruining a trail. Dave said it would be smarter to move the trail away from where the water goes. Cary said a watershed grant could be used for the area.
Don said he went to the first meeting on the Boones Ferry bridge culvert over Tryon Creek at Arnold. They are looking at an arched culvert. Some other people had other suggestions. The State Parks Department has allocated money for the trail to Marshall Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:12pm
Respectfully submitted
Lee Buhler
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