SWTrails Meeting Tuesday Feb 25, 2014, 7 pm at Watershed 6388 SW Capitol Hwy

Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes for January 23, 2014 (Minutes on the website)
Upcoming walks Sharon Fekedy and Virginia Hendrickson
Membership Chair Report Barbara Bowers
Hayhurst Safe Route to School idea, Barbara Stedman
Grant application for SW 25th Barbara Stedman
SWTrails PDX annual meeting: continuation
Adoption of Budget

SW Corridor Update== Surface route for rapid buses and light rail Capitol Highway from Barbur to Bertha and thence to SW 13th and Barbur through Hillsdale is being considered and evaluated. What are our views of this?

There will not be a first Monday meeting of the SW Working Group on March 3rd.

SW Corridor Meeting put on by Metro will be March 12th at the Wilson HS Cafeteria 6 pm to 8pm.

Projects List and additions for SW Corridor meeting. Metro is considering a list of projects within a mile or so of the transit alignment which came from past plans developed for SW Portland including the Pedestrian Master Plan. the 2030 Bicycle Master Plan, Barbur Streetscape Study, the Red Electric Plan and other plans. When the SWTrails Plan was done, we did not call out major projects since most of the improvements were not very costly. At no time has planning for access to transit in SW been done.

To remedy this situation, we need to consider if this list of projects is sufficient to provide safe access to transit. There is no certainty that additional projects will be included, but if we do not present them they will not be considered for sure. The list being considered by Metro will be available at the meeting.

We will work on this SW Corridor list at tomorrow’s meeting.

March work party will be on Trail 3 west of Capitol Hill Road, date to be determined.

4T Patches 3 inches diameter 200 to be ordered Baack

SWTrails Visit with Amanda Fritz Lee Buhler & Doug Rogers

Summary of our 5 days of drive arounds to look at entire SWTrails network.

Preparation of SWTrails response for meeting Feb 27th at Multnomah Center Auditorium, 6:30pm to 8:30 — Mayor Hales, Commissioner Novick, and Director Treat and PBOT staff will be present to discuss funding alternatives and to seek input from the citizenry about incremental transportation dedicated taxes, fees or other revenue sources. They also will listen to what transportation improvements we citizens would want funded. Please plan to attend, wear you SWTrails vest if you have one.

Updates on street encroachments, SW Tunnelwood and SW Coranado.

Visit to the ODOT Iowa Structure on Feb 25th. Sharon and Virginia

Other Business
Albert Kelly Park may have the creek unearthed. Stay tuned for info on trail location alternatives.
Update on vacation of SW 25th
Portland has commissioned a survey of citizens views of transportation Needs.
Transportation Needs Survey

Here are the results of the 800 samples from random citizens of Portland




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Hikes and Walks

January 11 2nd Saturday Hike

January 18 3rd Saturday Walk

February 8 2nd Saturday Hike

February 15 3rd Saturday Walk

March 8 2nd Saturday Hike

March 15 3rd Saturday Walk

April 12 2nd Saturday Hike

April 19 3rd Saturday Walk

May 10 2nd Saturday Hike

May 17 3rd Saturday Walk

SWTrails Events

January 23 SWT Board Meeting

February 27 SWT Board Meeting

March 20 SWT Board Meeting

April 24 SWT Board Meeting

May 22 SWT Board Meeting

June 26 SWT Board Meeting

Community Events

There are no upcoming Community Events at this time

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Posts in this section are a service to our community and do not necessarily express the views of SWTrails PDX.

Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small

2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon