Present: Don Baack, Doug Burke, John Gibbons, Rick Kappler, John Morris, Barbara Stedman, Barbara Bowers, Brett Horner, Denver Igarta, Liz Marantz, Sharon Fekety, Hans Steuch

Don invited John Gibbons (who had to leave early) to discuss storm water issues. John talked about that and mentioned a BES publication, the possibility to comment to State DEQ or City of Portland by October 15, and also mentioned SWNI’s Watershed Resource Center.

Don invited John Morris to speak. In response to the fire on SW Terwilliger And Capitol Hwy, He talked about the need for escape routes from fires, particularly cul-de-sac’s.

Rick Kappler asked that discussion of the Waldman Trail from Bauman Park be added to the agenda.

The agenda and minutes from the August meeting were approved.
Denver Igata from Portland Bureau of Transportation provided a handout titled “Tryon-Stephens Headwaters Neighborhood Street Plan”. He gave some background for how that plan has come into effect. PBOT is using grants to develop connectivity plans for a couple of areas in Portland. Cully and Division Midway neighborhoods have been subjects. Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) and Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) are working together on these studies. See for more information.

John Gibbons suggested to Denver that BES make sure they have correct information about existing local drains (pipes and inlets).
Brett Horner from Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation (BPR) spoke about the bureau’s work in SW Portland, such as constructing new facilites in Spring Garden Park, new trails in April Hill Park and (begining this fall and winter) funding to continue work on the Red Electric Trail, funded by System Development Charges (SDC). One road block for the Red Electric Trail is the need for bridges to cross Barbur boulevard. There are also some properties to be acquired and easements to be granted. PBR’s Red Electric Trail project manager is Allan Schmidt. The project manager for the Bertha Bridge part of the project is PBOT’s Elizabeth Mahon.

Brett also mentioned the 2035 Draft Comprehensive Plan contains a new view of trails that will make more transportation funds available for trails and which will result in more “inter-bureau networking”.

Rick Kappler talked about his concerns for a planned boardwalk near the western terminus of the Red Electric Trail. The boardwalk would affect Bauman Park, SW Ivy Lane, SW Willowmere Dr. and the confluence of several creeks – all just west of the Portland/Beaverton border. Rick will invite Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation Department to discuss the plans with SW Trails PDX.

Updates were made to the eleven numbered items on the agenda. Most notable was #5 that a meeting took place September 2 about the trails improvements off of SW 25th Ave. These improvements are primarily intended to make it easier for children from the crossing at Stephens Creek and the new $57 million low income housing facitlity of Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy to walk to Grey Middle School. The meeting was attended by several politicians and about 15 City of Portland staff. It was agreed that SW Trails PDX would make the necessary improvements to steps for about $10k. How to replace the existing culvert was deferred until next year. Our thanks to Senator Burdick and Representative Williamson who wrote to the City suggesting this connection was important for our community.

Respectfully submitted by Hans Steuch



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