SW Trails PDX Monthly Meeting and Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

SW Trails PDX
Monthly Meeting and Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2015

The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239


Attendance: Don Baack, Lee Buhler, Glenn Bridger, Virginia Hendrickson, Sharon Fekety, Hans Steuch, Chris Mays, Michael Kisor, Dave Manville, Barbara Stedman, Dale Sherborne, Courtney Duke, Denny Barnes, Doug Rogers, Rick Kappler, Michael Kisor, Mark Landaur, Bruce Murray, Mary Ann Santanna, Barbara Bowers

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm

Transportation Services Plan

Courtney Duke of PBOT talked about the Transportation System Plan. She displayed a PowerPoint presentation on the plan. She said she has given this presentation at several neighborhood associations. She is the senior planner for policy. Courtney described the Comprehensive Plan. The TSP is a component of the comprehensive plan. She said components of the plan such as the TSP are required by the State. The deadline to finish the package is December 16, 2015. She said there has been a lot of public outreach and comment on the plan to this point. She briefly described the plan. She said right-of-ways are not just for vehicular transportation. She said there are two trail policies which they have moved to their own section.They are not yet ready for discussion. Don said it was important to do this to make it easier to get things done when it is clear which bureau is responsible. Courtney said there are five pattern areas in Portland.

Courtney said public comment for TSP and Comprehensive plan are open until March 13. She talked about the outcomes for the plan. From those outcomes they developed a list of transportation projects. The major plans from other plans were incorporated into the TSP. They also developed evaluation criteria for the projects. Hans asked if evaluations were weighted equally and Courtney said they were. Don asked if cost would have a heaver weight and Courtney said no. She said there are projects, programs and goals. Courtney went over the existing programs. She said the programs are all funded. There is a pedestrian completion program and a greenway program. There are revenue forecasts. The current list of projects cost much more than forecast funds. Therefore, they would like to prioritize projects.

Courtney went over the important dates and deadlines. Don asked about the Red Electric and and if it could be divided into phases. Courtney said it was important to submit that as a comment. Don asked when the trails package will be available. Courtney said it will be between March and May. She said it may take until August to have City Council hearings. Glenn asked if they would give consideration to new projects. Courtney said they will not include new projects in this plan. However, they want to hear about them in case they can add them to another plan.

Courtney passed out a handout on how to make comments. She described the methods of providing comments. Don said there also may be a lot of comments at the PSC hearing 5pm on February 24. . Courtney said the hearing will be limited to two hours total.

Courtney said map 8.1 in the plan is the trails map. They are working to complete the map. Don asked about neighborhood greenways. Courtney said they are still working whether they can reduce speeds on those streets. She said that does not have to be in the Comprehensive Plan.

Courtney went over what feedback they would like from SW Trails. She said there is stuff they have to do as it is a requirement from the state and stuff they would like to do as well. Don said it is important to know as soon as possible if there need to be state law changes.

Courtney handed out the project list. She said the list was on the web as well. She said they are on the map app as well. Dave asked what the cost cut-off was. Courtney said it is usually $500,000 but there are some $250,000 projects. She asked that we come up with five priorities and five project that don’t make sense or would be a low priority. Don asked if the comments on the map app go into the official record and Courtney said yes. Don said continuity along the entire street of extended shoulders is important. Don said we have to get our comments in by the 24nd of February.

Rick said it would be good to put pressure on Washington County to improve the Raleigh Hills Town Center. Not part of this TSP plan.

Glenn asked if the map app was still functioning and Courtney said it was. However, it will shut down March 13th.

The agenda and December 2014 minutes were approved


Sharon said we had 31 people at the January hike despite not so good weather. Rick will lead the February hike. We will car pool to Gabriel Park and then walk to Alpenrose Dairy. Rick said the hike will only be on the Beaverton-Hillsdae highway for a short distance and it will be on quiet streets for the rest of the walk. Pete will lead the March hike.


Barbara said there were 13 new members since last meeting. She said ten people made donations and two organizations became sponsors.

Annual membership Meeting:

Don called the SW Trails Annual Membership Meeting to order at 7:55

Election of open board positions:

There were five board positions open as of January, 2015.

Lee, suggest the membership meeting be highlighted in color, and posted in our corp files that you keep. Tx

Don made a motion to elect the following members to the two year board positions:

Lee Buhler, Glenn Bridger, Chris Mays, Hans Steuch and Barbara Stedman

Doug seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Election of officers:

Don suggested the following officers:

Don Baack, President
Dave Manville, Vice President
Chris Mays, Treasurer
Lee Buhler, Secretary

Glenn made a motion to elected the officers as presented. Barbara B. seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Don asked Glenn and Hans to serve on the Audit Committee and they both agreed to do so.

Don went over the draft 2015 budget. He said the draft budget does not include some additional funding that we are pretty sure is coming in. That can be added once the funding is secured.

Lee made a motion to approve the draft budget Barbara S. seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Lee made a motion to adjourn the Annual Membership Meeting. Doug seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Don talked about upcoming construction plans. We are anticipating funding for the trail at 25th. He said we will have to get a permit but it should not be too difficult.

Dave said there are a lot of grindings that can be used for bad spots in trails. He said we should talk to neighborhood associations about such sections.

Don said there is a trail project in the Bridlemile Neighborhood.

Dave talked about a new trail that BES built at the Beaverton Hillsdale Highway & SW 21st However, during the fall storms, the catch basin trash rack got plugged and the large catch basin overflowed. much of the trail material washed onto the BH highway.

Doug and Hans talked about the Red Electric Trail bridge near Capitol and Bertha. The COP is working on the plans and hope to start construction this summer.

Barbur Traffic Counts: Don talked about the traffic counts on Barbur and nearby streets to see what the effect would be if narrow. They data showed a delay northbound of a over one minute. It also did not show a lot of overflow into the neighborhoods. He said the City and ODOT will look at a road diet which means shutting down a lane He said the state wants to wait until the SW Corridor project is constructed.

Don said he sent a letter in favor of a bridge vs culvert on Boones Ferry to be used in securing a grant for the incremental cost of the bridge over a culvert.

Rick said a Lake O city council member is pushing for a trail on the rail right-of-way. He said there was an article about it on bikeportland.org.

Rick said he would like to have the trash clean-up in March. Rick will check with Washington County to make sure they cover it with their insurance. Barbara B. said SOLV might also provide insurance for that clean-up.

Dave said the board had talked about forming formal SW Trail Committees. He suggested the following committees and chairs

Trails & Construction: Dave
Social Media: Barbara S.
Hiking: Sharon
Membership: Barbara B.

Glenn said the board also suggested making a sign saying the community built the trail were those trails were built with community volunteers.

Barbara S. made a motion to adjourn. Glenn seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 pm

Respectfully submitted

Lee Buhler



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Hikes and Walks

January 11 2nd Saturday Hike

January 18 3rd Saturday Walk

February 8 2nd Saturday Hike

February 15 3rd Saturday Walk

March 8 2nd Saturday Hike

March 15 3rd Saturday Walk

April 12 2nd Saturday Hike

April 19 3rd Saturday Walk

May 10 2nd Saturday Hike

May 17 3rd Saturday Walk

SWTrails Events

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February 27 SWT Board Meeting

March 20 SWT Board Meeting

April 24 SWT Board Meeting

May 22 SWT Board Meeting

June 26 SWT Board Meeting

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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small

2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon