SW Trails PDX
Monthly Meeting
May 28, 2015
The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239


Attendance: Don Baack, Lee Buhler, Glenn Bridger, Virginia Hendrickson, Sharon Fekety, Hans Steuch, Rick Kappler, Patty Barker, Dave Manville, Chris Mays, Barbara Stedman, Michael Kisor, Barbara Bowers, Liz Marantz, Russell, Montgomery, John Gibbon, Katurah Pennington, Elizabeth Duncan

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

After introductions Don said we got City Budget for funding for the Safe Route to School bridge at 25th.

Don said Metro awarded $650,000 to $750,000 to complete the bridge at Arnold and Boones Ferry. Sharon asked when it would be built and Don said he hoped in 2017.

Dave asked if any trail work got done on during the Trail Symposium and Don said it was all done at Stubb Stewart State Park.

Patty asked if there was an update to the trails policy and Don said there has not been one.

Agenda: Glenn made a motion to approve the agenda. Dave seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Quail Park Trail:

John talked about the Quail Creek Trail. He introduced Russell who is a civil engineer and has done some plans for improvements to the trail. John showed were the trail was on a map. He had a display that had pictures and maps of the problem areas on the trail. He said at the east end one section is in very bad shape. He said many people with kids in strollers use the trail. Don asked if most of the people using the trail are Quail Park neighbors. John said there are many from the homeowners group and many from nearby neighborhoods as well. John said the trail is in an Environmental Conservation zone. John said two thirds of the trail is designated as a public trail-way. John said everyone in Quail Park wants it to be public and would like the entire trail as a public trail.

Russell displayed drawings he prepared on repairing the trail. He described the options. They have to worry about impact to the stream during construction. He said in one stretch it would be hard to make it ADA complaint due to the steepness of the grade. He said gabions, metal baskets filled with rock, or trex, plastic, decking might be used in one section.

Barbara asked if the creek could meander. Russell said it does meander some. Don said there is very little room to make it meander more. John pointed out that it is an intermittent stream. He said it was in pipes at some point and then day-lighted.

John said they have a grant with West Multnomah Soil and Water to improve the habitat. Glenn asked if the uphill section would be on Trex or some other manufactured material and Russell said yes. Glenn said it was important to make sure it does not get slick. John said they prefer the gabions. He said BES and BDS will make the decision. Don asked if the grade could be extended to reduce the slope and Russell said there is some room to do that. Dave said 15% is in the upper limit but not out of bounds. Don said it is important to keep the slope down as it is used a lot by people with strollers. Russell said he did not think extending the grade would increase the cost too much. Russell said in the e-zone regulations say that trails can be repaired. Dave asked about insurance and John said the homeonwers association carries it. Don said they could give an easement but would the City accept it. John said they would maintain insurance anyway. Dave said it is important to permit the whole project.

They will take the project to the City and get more specifics and they return to SW Trails to figure out how we can work together and how SW Trails can help the project.

Trails Policy:

Don said he would like to have the draft trails policy sent to the Pedestrian Advisory Committee for comment.

Dave made a motion that the Pedestrian Advisory Committee review the draft Trails Policy and look at the pros and cons equally. Lee seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Dave said he liked the trail stewardship agreement with parks and suggested the same thing for PBOT, with the maintenance management the responsibility of SWTrails Don agreed but said there should be funding as well. Glenn said it is important to look at how much more communities outside of Portland are doing with trails.

Minutes: Hans motion to approve February, March and April 2015 minutes Barbara seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Walks: Sharon said Pete will lead the June hike. It will go to Marshall Park and other areas near by Lee will lead July. Rick will lead August. Don will lead September.

Rick said there was an article about the 4T Trail in Portland Monthly

Memberships: Barbara B. said there were seven new members at the Hillsdale Farmer’s Market and two sponsorships. They also got a long list of people for the email list.

Patty asked if there other options besides the lane diet for bicycle safety on Barbur. Don said PBOT looked at widening the bridges but it was not cost effective. Rick said there were no problems when they reduced lanes on Barbur for the bridge repair. Glenn said the traffic engineers need to see what will actually happen if a lane is closed. He said typically intersections are pinch point. Patty suggested a switched center lane like Seattly has. Barbara S. said there are the approximately the same number of cars on Multnomah Blvd. as Barbur and Multnomah is only two lanes.

Dave went over the SW Trail committees and we discussed the duties of each committee.

Glenn said the tax return has been extended for 180 days and he and Hans are working on the return.

Lee talked about the Seymour trail segment at Corbett Avenue. The South Portland Neighborhood Association has prepared a letter requesting a permit for the trail. All adjacent property owners and renters have signed a petition in support of the trail.

Don and Dave talked about meetings with City Commissioners.

Don talked about the joint letter on Stephenson, Hamilton, Dosch and Marquam.

Patty said she talked to Commissioner Novick about Stephenson and he said they hope to have a solution soon. Patty said it is important to have the full extended shoulders with no gaps.

Don talked about the trail on Upper Whitaker, between Barbur and Terwilliger that is in bad shape. He said it will take about $150,000 to fix it.

Dave had a drawing of the bridge at SW 25th and he talked about the process. He said this may take months. Don said if the culvert would not have to be replaced, it would make the project easier. Dave said the cost of the bridge could vary tremendously.

Rick said a lot of people who would benefit from the Red Electric live in Washington County and suggested a July 4th SW Trails booth at a neighborhood event in Raleigh Hills.

Hans said the design for the bridge on the Red Electric Trail is supposedly going on but they have not gotten any word. There are to be two public meetings on the design. We discussed possible routes for the Red Electric trail in the Alpenrose area.

Don said the 4T trail hike for the Trail Symposium went well.

Dave said the first Thursday Parks work party will be on the Woods Ave. trails that goes from SW 4th and Woods to SW Terwilliger about 100 yards north of Campus Drive. . Dave will send out an email on it.

Hans said he will work on the Red Electric trail section of the website. Barbara said they will do a neighborhood clean-up on SW 25th between Capital and Bertha on Saturday the 6th. Rick said the new bike lanes are painted on Oleson Road.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:41pm

Respectfully submitted

Lee Buhler



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