Trails Meeting November 19 2015 7pm at Watershed in Hillsdale, enter between buildings at 6388 SW Capitol Highway
Approval of Agenda
Portland Parks City Nature has been invited to discuss the project they requested our support on, the rerouting of the 4T/ 40 mile loop trail from Highway 26 up the hill to avoid walking along the on ramp of Highway 26 and to avoid the slide which currently causes walkers to walk in the bicycle lane. In December they are invited back to discuss their plans for 2016-2017 fiscal year including capital requests. They have also been asked to discuss all the other 2016 trail and other construction projects they are considering.
Parks Planning has also been invited in December to discuss the projects they are currently working on and those they plan for 2016-2017. This will include the Red Electric.
Discussion of a plan for the upcoming SW In Motion Project.
Construction report
Membership Chair Report
Hiking Team Report and upcoming hikes
Treasurers Report
Approval of Past Minutes
Announcements: Hillsdale NA Thanksgiving Walk
The Hillsdale Neighborhood invites all of us to join
your friends and neighbors on the annual Thanksgiving Day walk at 9AM on Thursday, November 26. All are encouraged to come: children, slow walkers, pets. Visiting and making new friends or renewing friendships from past walks are the objectives.
Our walk begins at the intersection of Capitol Highway and Sunset, behind the Ballet Studio at Old Oak Tree. This is also the entrance to Wilson High School with the food carts.
Heading west and then south, we will take a journey on to Burlingame Park, which is at 12th just south of Interstate 5 in the Burlingame Neighborhood. We built a short trail there a year ago. A chance to visit and enjoy some warm beverage will be found here. We then head east, remaining south of Interstate 5, crossing over on Brier Place to Fulton Park, and return to the Old Oak Tree.
Other Business
December, Report from Parks, PBOT Report on the 19th Street Project and BES Report on the Shattuck culvert replacement.
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