SW Trails PDX
Monthly Meeting
November 19, 2015
The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239


Attendance: Don Baack, Lee Buhler, Dave Manville, Chris Mays, Virginia Hendrickson, Mark Lear, Hans Steuch, Keturah Pennington, Barbara Stedman, Doug Rogers, Sharon Fekety, Jeff Hough, Jake Mentz

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

After introductions the agenda was approved.

Jeff from Portland Parks talked a section of the 4T Trail that might be improved with a metro grant. This portion of the 4T is a regional trail and therefore eligible for the grant. Jeff handed out a map of regional trails. They have scouted out a vague route that would replace the current section. The section starts at highway 26 just across from the zoo. He said many people miss the beginning of the trail down the ramp. He said it is important to get people into the woods as soon as possible. The trail would go east but higher in the woods. It is just over 1000 feet of trail. It is in pre-application process. They are asking for $100,000 but the price of the project is estimated to be $275,000. They will know if they will be awarded the project next spring. He said if they were awarded less they may be able to do portions of the project. The trail construction would be contracted out. However, they hope that SW Trails will maintain the trail. There is a new group called Explore Washington Park and they are very supportive of the project. Don said that it is important to keep SW Trails informed in all aspects of the projects. Jeff said the project must be completed with in three years. He said the bridge will be 20 to 30 feet. Don asked if there was an easement necessary. Jeff said that portions of the trail are on a property with an easement and that homeowner is open to having more of the trail on his property. There are a couple property owners they may need to talk to. Doug suggested additional signage for the trail as what is there is that is hard to see. Don said he asked ODOT to replace signage they took down and he will check with them again. Don said he will also suggested additional crosswalks for the off ramps from Hwy 26 including a flashing beacon crosswal where the sight distance is limited. Jeff said Explore Washington Park is a TMA that has helped with the transition to paid parking.

Work Parties: Jeff said the December work party will be in on Council Crest mostly leaf removal and pruning.

Dave asked if there could be more SWTrails signage in parks. Jeff agreed and pointed out some places that need better signage. Dave said he could put together a list of places that could use additional signs. Don suggested a sign telling people that SW Trails built the trail with support from Portland Parks on trails that SW Trails works on.

Don asked about further trails in Marquam. Jeff said they have done some additional work on some trails in the park. He said they are going to continue work on those trails and add signage.

Don suggested a walk through on the lower end of Himes Park prior to the next work party. We need to discuss how to get the 40 or so steps just up from Iowa St replaced as this is more than a one day job. He said there are drainage problems that need to be addressed. Dave said they could give input on trails in Gabriel Park. Don said there should be a good north-south bicycle route through Gabriel. . Jeff said that there is no master plan for that portion of Gabriel Park. He said therefore there is no plan to follow and there are many different interested parties.

We discussed the trail through the Multnomah Presbyterian church property.

Jeff said a stronger case for a trail can be made for trails that go to a destination.

Don said we are waiting to hear on the trail 1 and 7 proposal in Albert Kelly Park.

Lee said the South Portland Neighborhood Association submitted an application for a trail on SW Seymour. Sara Schooley sent an email saying that they would have to wait until after the trails process was done. After the trails process was done, a neighbor emailed her to ask about it and Sara said they needed to get SW Trails as a sponsor. Dave said a neighborhood association should be able to be a sponsor. He said there are several trails in Ash Creek that they are going to sponsor.

Don explained the trails policy.

Don talked about the Southwest in Motion project, a state funded planning effort to identify all the projects to be done in SW Portland over the next 10-20 years, price them out and arrange them in some sort of priority order. There was a similar project in east Portland that has worked well and has secured a good deal of funding. There is a list of suggested trail routes developed in 1996- 1998 as part of the SW Community Plan. Don said the trails process separates approved trails. Therefore, if we get trails approved by City Council they will be easier to implement. He suggested asking the neighborhoods to select possible trails and then visiting the sites and putting together a cost estimate. Don said it will be a year long process with two open houses. Dave said there is a vast difference between neighborhoods on how engaged they are on trails. Jake said the Fanno Creek trail goes through several jurisdictions and people should be able to find their way with good wayfinding signage. He said signs are cheap.

Dave made the following motion: SW Trails urges the City to include a citizen initiated list of trail projects that would be largely built by citizens included in the Southwest in Motion project planning process. Lee seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously Don will write the letter.

Trail Construction: Dave said he hopes to file the application for the trail on 25th next week. He reminded people of the work party on Dec 3. Dave said a women in the Multnomah neighborhood requested a trail in that neighborhood.

Membership: Barbara said four people joined or renewed last month for a total of 80 paid members.

Walks: Sharon said Hans led a good hike last month and it went well. Sharon will lead the December hike across several Willamette bridges. Don said a Metro Councilor, Carlotta Collette, might lead a weekday hike near Willamette Falls.

Minutes: Hans made a motion to approve the September and October minutes with minor changes. Dave second the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Don said that Mark Lear asked Don to testify on the Red Electric grant application which he did. City Council approved it. Don said metro models predict 3000 bikes per day will use the Red Electric. Jake asked if the Red Electric would be considered a commuter trail and Don said it would be a good commuter route. Don said there would be a meeting for the design of the funded Red Electric bridge at the west end of Hillsdale, but the date has not been set.

Don said ODOT hired some consultants to look at the Barbur Bridges and they could not come to a consensus so they will require further study.

Don said the Hillsdale NA will sponsor a Thanksgiving Day walk. Meet where we normally meet for hikes.

Dave asked if people had suggestions for the SW Trails map. Don said all trails in Marquam Park are missing. He said he would like to know about any trail maintenance people have done.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm

Respectfully submitted

Lee Buhler



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