Minutes Dec. 17, 2015

SW Trails PDX
Monthly Meeting
Dec. 17, 2015
Watershed Bldg.
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR 97239
Attendance: Don Baack, Chris Mays, Virginia Hendrickson, Mark Lear, Andrea Wall, Katurah Pennington, Maggie Woodward, Nancy Seton (SWHRL), Glenn Bridger, Wendy Cawley (PBOT), Jennifer Devlin (BES), Steve Mullinax (Bridlemile NA), Barbara Bowers, Barbara Stedman, Mark Lear (PBOT), Doug Rogers, Brett Horner (PP&R), Rick Kapler, Craig Christy, Chris Mays, Sharon Fekety
Mark Lear talked about the proposed Portland Street Maintenance and Safety Fund costing $64 million to go on the May 2016 ballot. 56% for paving and 44% for Safe Routes to School. (See attached) He said the Red Electric grant had been submitted.

Don asked about the Naito crossing at Whitaker. Mark will find out about funding and when it will happen. Don and others said Neighborhood Greenways should include pedestrian routes. Some don’t have sidewalks. Is PBOT putting a staff person in each area? He never heard of it but will find out.
Brent Horner of PP&L talked about the Red Electric and the grant application east of Alpenrose at Shattuck Rd. We should hear about it in the spring. There are obstacles between 33rd St. and 35th St. Also Alpenrose. Brent told Doug to write a letter detailing the problems. Glenn asked why do you need a willing seller? Could use condemnation or negotiate a deal. South Waterfront between the Marquam and Ross Island Bridges is a mess. Need a plan. Recreational Trails Strategy for 2007. It’s on Parks web site. It’s our guide. Parks has a map app. You can make comments. Trails in Albert Kelly Park. Brent will check on it. There is a proposed route from the SW Urban Trails Plan and from discussions with BES and the neighborhood. We would like to get it going. Parks reorganization in March. Consolidating City Nature and Maintenance. Same number of people. The direction will be more native plantings and less turf. Gabriel Park-will look at alternative bike trails. Showed proposed routes of Red Electric, materials, bridges, lighting, etc.
Jennifer Devlin of BES and Wendy Cawley of PBOT talked about the changes to be made at SW Shattuck and Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway because of a Water Quality and Improvement Project. (see attachment). Hopefully done in April. Also they will come to next meeting.
The November minutes were approved.
Don-SWIM-We have requested a section to be included called ‘Citizen Initiated Projects” Need a list of connections we want to build over the next 10 to 20 years. We intend to work with neighborhoods.
Barbara-membership. 85 paid members and sponsors for 2015
Sharon-walks-Dave M. will lead the walk in January. In 2015 we led 12 walks with 306 walkers.
Don asked if we should be involved in AARP walks. A lot of rules.
Glenn will send out the Strategic Plan for SWTrails. It will have values and goals. He wants input.
Comp Plan needs comments by January 3. Don send in some.
Adjourn: 8:55 pm.



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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

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Deb Small

Michelle McCabe

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Gordy Molitor

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