SW Trails PDX
Monthly Meeting
March 31, 2016
The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239
Attendance: Don Baack, Lee Buhler, Dave Manville, Virginia Hendrickson, Keturah Pennington, Doug Rogers, Barbara Bowers, Keith Wymer, Dale Sherbourne, Michael Kisor, Eric Wilhelm, Rick Kappler, Hans Steuch
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
After introductions the agenda was approved.
Patty said there was an accident on the extended shoulder on Stephenson. Don said they were not built to the proper standards. He would like to get PBOT and BES staff to look at it.
Minutes: Virginia made a motion to accept the January monthly meeting minutes. Keturah seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Don introduced Eric who is the chair of the Hillsdale Transportation Committee
Eric talked about the state safety audit of Barbur Blvd. He said one problem was the intersection of Barbur and Capitol. The road safety audit suggested getting rid of one southbound lane. Eric suggested having the ramp from Barbur to Capital start back further. Dave said he did not see as much of a problem as is and would not support a lane removal. Don said they looked at cutting back the hill years ago and found contamination. Don pointed out that lanes were closed for work a few years ago and it worked well. He pointed out that it is important a good bike route is important for the Red Electric Trail. Don said there was not much chance there would be structural changes to the bridges soon. Don said it looks like there would be rail rather than bus rapid transit on Barbur and they would probably replace the bridges in ten years or so. Eric showed a drawing of the Capitol ramp and explained the proposed changes. It had a barrier between cars and bikes. Michael said repositioning of the bike lane out of the view of cars is not a good idea. Eric said he did not think that would happen. Don said there were not many bikers using Capitol from Terwilliger to Barbur. Doug said there are two kinds of bike riders and he likes Terwilliger even if it is a little slower. He said I makes a wonderful alternative. He said Barbur has the advantage of speed.
Don said the speed limits are set by the state and the City has to request a change. Rick said there should be a constant speed limit on Barbur. He said it would be good to have a protected bike lane on Barbur. Don said the maintenance on Barbur and Terwilliger is also very important. Michael said he thought Barbur is safer for bikes than Terwilliger because of the curves. Dave said he could not support removal of a bike lane or reducing speeds. Doug said the Capitol ramp is too dangerous for bikers. Virginia said she feels comfortable with Barbur but would like it safer and she goes alternative routes when she has the time. Michael said he would support removing a lane. He said he is comfortable with the Barbur ramp as there is a good line of sight and it is marked well.
Lee made the following motion:
That SW Trails recommend that a barrier between auto and bike lane be installed just north of Capitol also remove one lane from Capitol south to the curve just before Miles and shift other three lanes to allow for 6′ bike lanes on either side
Rick seconded the motion. The motion failed with Lee voting yes and Dave and Barbara no. Hans abstained
Lee moved to reconsider Hans seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Lee made a motion to table the motion. Dave seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Patty made a motion that SW Trails acknowledge this a dangerous corridor for bicyclists.
Rick seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Michael talked about the Garden Home, Multnomah Blvd intersection. Portland has about $800,000 to spend on improving the intersection. But they think it will take about $2,000,000 so they are asking Washington County to help. That area will become part of the City of Beaverton when it is annexed. He said it made the short list of projects and there is a good chance it will get funded. Don said 65th is the county line. Rick said he thinks more people violate that bike lane than any other intersection he knows of.
Work Parties: Dave said they have arranged some independent activities for SW Trails. There has been gravel dumped that can be spread in two locations. Keith asked what the existing conditions are in Dickinson and Dave said it is grass with old gravel below. The next work party is on April 7 at Woods Park. Don said he got a text about the St. John Fisher project and there has been no action. Dave said a permitting crew would look at the 25th crossing. Dave said there has been no action on the trail permit in Ash Creek. Hans asked if it was on the Ash Creek minutes and Dave said it was. Dave said they are working on next years work projects with the Parks Department.
Membership: Barbara said seven people joined or renewed in the month and several donated extra.
Hikes: Virginia will lead the April Hike through Marshall Park. Mark will lead May through Portland heights. Hans will lead in June.
Don said SWTrails reps were going to look at the zoo crosswalks near the zoo with ODOT.
Hans talked about the Boones Ferry Bridge. He showed and explained drawings on the project. They plan to do it next year. Eric asked how wide the sidewalks would be and Don said they would be wide on the bridge itself. Keith said he was on the design committee and there are bike provisions. He said it will be integrated into other trails in the area. The bridge will be ADA accessible. Hans said there will be a little connector from Arnold street.
Rick talked about a possible trail near where 44th meets Patton Road. He said there is public right-of-way there and it would make a good trail. It would allow people to get from Hewitt to Patton. Rick described the location on a map. Rick said he has tried to contact people in the Bridlemile neighborhood.
Don said he signed up for the Multnomah Days booth on August 20th.
Lee or Glenn will run the May meeting as Don will be out of town..
Don said he heard from someone about a fence on public-right-of-way in the Multnomah Neighborhood. The City said they would ask them to move the fence when it needs to be replaced. It is now in bad shape. Don asked the City to require that it be moved.
Doug said the next Red Electric Bridge open house will be in April.
Keith reminded people about the Trillium festival in Tryon Creek Natural Area.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:42pm
Respectfully submitted
Lee Buhler
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