SW Trails PDX Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 23, 2016

Topics: MTIP Projects; Stephenson Extended Shoulders; Trail Maintenance Agreement; Arnold Creek Trail; REI Grant

The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239


Attendance: Don Baack, Virginia Hendrickson, Sharon Fekety, Hans Steuch, Keturah Pennington, Doug Rogers, Barbara Bowers, Michael Kisor, Keith Wymer, Lee Buhler, Barbara Stedman

Don called to order at 7:00pm.

After introductions the agenda was approved with addition of a discussion of the South Portland Health fair.

SW Corridor Project:

Don suggested adding trail 6 to Lake Oswego to the SW Corridor Projects. The group agreed that would be a good project to add.

MTIP Projects: Don said there was discussion at the SWNI Transportation Committee on MTIP projects. Two are in SW: one is on the Beaverton-Hillsdale highway and another was on Multnomah/Taylors Ferry/Vermont. Don asked if people preferred either. Most people thought the Beaverton-Hillsdale project is a higher priority. Don said the B-H highway project might have a better chance as it is on a high crash corridor.

Dave made a motion to summit a letter supporting the project on the Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway from 18th to 30th. Barbara B. seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Stephenson Extended Shoulders: Hans read a letter from PBOT about the problems with the extended shoulder on Stephenson from PBOT. She said the project was not meant as a walking surface but a stormwater project. Patty said PBOT gave the neighborhood indications there would not be so many gaps. Sharon said the project with gaps is worse than not having the extended shoulders at all. Dave said he thought it was not done well as other extended shoulders. Patty said we should develop criteria for these projects. Patty said it would be better to put the swale between the cars and path. Doug said it seems the City is experimenting. Patty said if they cannot build it without gaps it should not be built. Michael said it seems that the City does not know what it is doing. Doug suggested expressing thanks for the efforts that have been done but say it is not enough. Don suggested asking that SW Trails propose a PBOT-BES Community task force to develop standards for extended shoulders. Keith said the plan should address things like the size of gravel as sometimes large gravel is put in to deter walking and biking. Don said he would contact other groups about joining us with pushing for better extended shoulders. Don said we need to get designers who know what they are doing. Don said he will write a letter requesting a task force on the project.

Membership: Barbara said one person joined this month. There was also one sponsor. Don said there may also be a $500 check in the pipeline from OHSU for a five year sponsorship.

Booths: SW Trails will have booths at Multnomah Days on August 20, SPNA Health Fair August 3. Don said he would see about a booth at the Hillsdale Farmer’s Market.

Southwest in Motion: Don passed around a paper to ask people to contact neighborhoods about the SW in Motion program and trail suggestions on unbuilt right-of-ways.

Trail Construction: Dave said 500 feet of trail was built in Albert Kelly park. It was done in just a few half day work parties. About 80 man and women hours. There will be a SWTrails/Parks work party on July 7th at 9-12 will be on the 4T trail. Meet at the Children’s Museum near the Oregon Zoo.

Trail Maintenance Agreement: Don has proposed several changes to the Park’s draft stewardship agreement for the coming year. He went over each one. Don said there has been changes in Parks Department management and he thinks it will be for the better. Don suggested adding language to more properly report accomplishments. Don suggested changing the grant application process to be the same for SW Trails and Parks. Don suggested adding that SW Trails may have more important projects than the monthly work party. Don suggested adding 7X9 step material. Don said people who have been trained on power tools should be able to use them. Don suggested that the group send him comments on the agreement by Sunday June 26th.

Hikes: Sharon said Hans lead a nice hike to the Riverview. Lee will lead the hike in July. It will go on the Tillicum and Sellwood bridges. It is 7.8 miles long but not much elevation gain.

Signs: Hans said the sign were put out in the project in Albert Kelly park. He will put out a sign on the 4T trail where the work party will be. The signs cost about $15.00 each.

. Sharon asked about the bench at the viewpoint along the trail under the Iowa I5 structure. We have $1,000 for a bench from AARP. Don said the new person with Parks will look at it. He said the money for Phyllis Townes bench went to a bench near were she use to live in the SWHRL neighborhood.

Arnold Creek Trail: Hans said there was a request for a zone change on part of the Coronado right-of-way. The neighborhood association is opposed to the change. Patty said she was worried that a P zone might be harder to put a trail on.

July Meeting: The July 28 meeting will be a potluck at Don’s house. He suggested having the president of the BTA come and talk about what they are doing and how we could coordinate with them. Sharon said they are expanding what they are doing. It was so agreed.

REI Grant: Don will talk with someone from REI about a grant for SW Trails. They are doing guided tours on the 4T trail. Keith said the REI used equipment will be going through the new REI outlet store Network.

Tryon Creek: Keith said there have been changes at the Tryon Creek Natural area, there is a new Park Manager. He said the adopt a trail program he started has worked very well. Keith said Phil Hamilton is still volunteering.

South Portland Health Fair: Lee made a motion that SW Trails supports and has a booth at the South Portland Health Fair on Wednesday, August 3. Dave seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:42pm

Respectfully submitted

Lee Buhler



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