Monthly Meeting and Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
May 26, 2016
Topics: SW Corridor Plan; Work party sign; Quail Park Trail; Capitol Highway Improvement Project
The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239
Attendance: Glenn Bridger, Virginia Hendrickson, Sharon Fekety, Hans Steuch, Keturah Pennington, Doug Rogers, Barbara Bowers, Rick Kappler, Michael Kisor, Matt Bihn Michaela Skiles John Gillam, John Gibbon, Lee Buhler
Glenn Bridger called to order at 7:02pm.
After introductions the agenda was approved with an addition of a letter about Capitol Highway and discussion of a SW Trails sign.
Matt Bihn of Metro discussed the SW Corridor Plan. They are getting ready to enter the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. They are trying to determine which pedestrian projects to include with the DEIS. They need to determine which projects could get Federal funding. They will also likely be a bond for the project. There will be sidewalks and bike lanes along the entire length of the project. They think that 45 percent of Barbur currently has sidewalks. They will complete the other sections and look at connections to stations. The connection to Marquam Hill is critical. After the Steering Committee votes they will go into the scoping period. It will start in August and end in November. The station locations could move a little but will probably be close to the current design. They will develop rough cost estimates. The DEIS is mandatory for Federal funding. The project funding from the Federal government is not assured. They would like to get feedback on the best pedestrian and bike routes to stations. There are advantages to not put projects in the DEIS such as projects that are cheaper and easier to build using funding other than Federal funding. Rick pointed out there were a lot of restrictions on the Fanno Creek project. Matt said some of the projects more expensive to study and build. Glenn said Federal projects have many people who are looking at the project and this costs more. John Gilliam said it can add time too which costs money. Matt said they are also concerned on how much total money the project takes. He said there are still funding mechanisms for projects that are not in the DEIS.
Michaela, also from Metro, talked about the project maps. She handed out copies of the maps and documentation. She displayed the Gibbs map and described it and the symbols on it. She asked people to point out things that they may be missing.
The group broke up into two groups to discuss the stations. Each group went over each proposed stations and discussed pedestrian and bike routes to that station.
The group reconvened. John Gilliam said projections show this light rail line would be a high ridership line. Matt said the blue line to Gresham would be the only line with higher ridership. Matt pointed out that it is a long line and will cost a lot of money. Michael said Bridgeport Plaza was a good destination. The goal opening date is 2025.
Membership: Barbara said four people joined this month. Two of the people don’t live in Portland.
Hiking: Sharon said Mark Turner lead a great hike in May. Hans will lead the hike in June. It will go through Riverview Natural area, Tryon and Lewis and Clark. Lee will lead the July hike. Sharon needs people to do August and September.
Signs: Hans showed a prototype sign. Everyone liked the sign. He said the sign could be put out a week or so before the work party so people can learn how to join in on the work party. He said it could be used in other ways such as our booth at fairs. Hans was able to get a good price for the signs.
Quail Park Trail: John Gibbon talked about the Quail Park trail project. He has talked to the City several times about the project. They may have to do an environmental review for one of the options that would be expensive. They are looking at other land they own. They would still have to do an environmental review but it would be less expensive. He said they have had substantial water bill increases and are worried about the costs. John said the current pathway is passable but it is difficult. He said it could cost $25.00 per foot.
Work Parties: The next work Party will be Thursday, June 2 in Woods park. An email was sent and there is a map on
Capitol Highway Improvement Project: Glenn passed out a draft letter on Capital Highway improvements. He said it is an expensive project but worth it. He said half of the cost of the project is storm water. Glenn read some of the letter and talked about the project. Barbara asked if we had a quorum. Glenn said as there are five members and therefore we did.
Barbara moved that we send this letter. Sharon seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm
Respectfully submitted
Lee Buhler
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