SW Trails PDX Monthly Meeting October 27, 2016
Topics: Southwest in Motion; OHSU Trail #1
The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239
Attendance: Don Baack, Dave Manville, Sharon Fekety, Glenn Bridger, Hans Steuch, Barbara Bowers, Andrea Wall, Michael Harrison, Barbara Bowers, Virginia Hendrickson, Rob Wilcox, Doug Rogers
The meeting was called to order at 8:00pm. (The meeting was held an hour late due to a conflict with a SWNI Public Safety event.)
Treasurer’s Report: . The annual review of the books by Glenn Bridger and Hans Steuch was completed with no problems to report.
Southwest in Motion: We need to get approval from neighborhood associations that have a project in SW Trails recommendations for SW in Motion. The neighborhoods include South Portland and Homestead. Hillsdale approved the SW 25th re-vegetation project. Andrea Wall is working on it. At the first event 22 people came and cleared off a 70′ X 20′ area. They were awarded a grant and plan more events. The next one will be a bucket brigade on November 13th. They will also do native plant planting that day and on the 17th. Don asked if SW Trails should take on the maintenance of this project and let them use our email list. Most people were agreeable to the idea.
Hikes: Mark will lead the November hike and it will go to Raleigh Hills. Don will lead the December hike to Portland Heights.
OHSU Trail #1: Michael Harrison said there have been some problems on Trail #1 through OHSU. There has been vandalism. He said some laptops were also stolen. He said OHSU is a very open campus. He said they do not have official easements for some of the trail. He suggested keeping Salmon Lane as Trail #1 and move major public trail designations from Campus Drive to Terwilliger and Sam Jackson. The motion was approved.
Trail Work Parties: Dave said they did 150 feet of new trail in Albert Kelly park in October. The November work party will be leaf raking in Marshall Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15
Sharon Fekety
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