Trails Meeting January 26 2017 7pm at Watershed in Hillsdale, enter between buildings at 6388 SW Capitol Highway

Surprise: we will have a small silent auction with the proceeds benefiting SWtrails.


Approval of Agenda
Approval of December Minutes

Discussion of recent snow and ice events and the City and State response thereto. See discussion points.

SWTrails annual membership meeting:
Election of Board Members
Election of Officers
Approval of Budget
Discussion of insurance Glenn Bridger
Other Business
Adjourn Membership Meeting.

SWTrails Strategic Plan discussion, Glenn Bridger.

Updates SW In Motion Project.
Schedule of neighborhood meetings and message we want to convey.

Construction report St John Fisher, Safe Route to School to Robert Gray, Dave Manville

No response from Portland Parks regarding their 2016 construction budget. No response from Portland Parks regarding the trail for Albert Kelly Park.
PBOT has not given a response to what is happening on Naito Crossing at Whitaker.

Membership Chair Report Barbara Bowers

Hiking Team Report and upcoming hikes Sharon and Virginia
Treasurers Report Chris Mays

Announcements: Hearings on the Transportation Plan March 8, 2017 and March 22, 2017.

Other Business




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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small