March 30, 2017
The Watershed Building in Hillsdale
6388 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland OR 97239
Attendance: Dave Manville, Don Baack, Hans Steuch, Yetta Steuch, Sharon Fekety, Dianne Mays, Chris Mays, Barbara Stedman, Virginia Hendrickson, Debbie Small, Lee Buhler, Doug Rogers, Andrea Wall
Dave called to order at 7:01pm.
Minutes: Lee made a motion to approve the February minutes. Don second the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Agenda: Lee made a motion to approve the agenda. Debbie second the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Andrea talked about the SW 25th right-of-way trail at the top end. She has received $2100 of grant money and applied for much more. They have removed invasive plants and planted native plants. There will be a work party on Sunday, April 30. They will put boulders in to protect native plants. They will hopefully plant some more native plants. It will be listed on the SOLV website. She will also coordinate the SOLV litter patrol on May 6 which is in coordination with the SWNI clean-up. The event is from 9am to 1pm.
Dave said there will be a celebration of the April Hill project on Saturday, April 9 from 2-4pm.
Dave said there will be a trail skills workshop on April 8 from 9am to 2:30pm
Don said there is a PDOT open house April 23 on active transportation.
Lee made a motion to re-open the annual membership meeting. Doug seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Debbie described the proposed bylaw changes. Dave displayed the suggested changes on overhead. She Doug and Michael met to come up with the changes. The group unanimously voted to make any donation after September 1 go to the next year. There was a suggestion to move the annual meeting to February or March. Don suggested changing to first quarter. The group unanimously voted to change the annual meeting to the first quarter. We discussed other suggested trivial changes. Don suggested adding “balanced staggered terms” instead of just staggered and people agreed. There was wording to simplify section 3.6. The added position of Vice President was listed and specified that they must be held by different people. The group agreed to strike section 5.5 so that each officer position must be held by different people. A section was added to allow for the removal of an officer by a ¾ majority of the board.
Hans made a motion accept all the changes as approved. Don seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Dave displayed the proposed 2017 budget and described it. Don suggested adding joining the Hillsdale Professional Association at $40.00. Debbie moved that we include joining both the Multnomah Busieness Association and the Hillsdale Professional Association. Hans seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Doug moved that we adopt the budget. Lee seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Lee made a motion to close the annual membership meeting. Debbie seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
The regular monthly meeting was continued.
Treasurer’s Report: Chris said there is $19,403.25 in the bank. Year-to-date revenue has been $1327 and expenses have been $1567. The expenses have been high for the first part of the year due to insurance which is paid at the beginning of the year.
Don said he had some names to contact for possible sponsorships.
Hikes: The April walk will be lead by Mark Turner. It will go through Tryon Creek. It will be on the third Saturday instead of the second Saturday due to the trail training. Sharon asked people to lead other hikes. Don will lead in May.
Projects: Doug talked about the OneDrive SW Trails site. He said it was good to have one place that anyone can go to see what we are working on. They developed a folder system in lieu of a spreadsheet with all SW Trails projects and 1 layer of sub-project folders if needed and Dave displayed the folder system on overhead. Doug said there are about 45 or 50 projects we are tracking not all listed so far. Dave displayed the Red Electric Bridge project form summary Word table with 20 information details on overhead as an example project and template. Some are projects that we are the lead on and some are not. Debbie suggested a way to indicate which projects SW Trails is the lead on. Dave said he would add “SW Trails role”. Doug said this would be a good public relations tool. Don said it might be good to also sort it by neighborhood. Dave added a box for neighborhood. Doug said it is a work in progress and it will be improved in coming month. However, it gives us an organized way to showcase and document all our projects. Don said it is important to have backups. Dave said he has backed it up to his computer several times.
Advocacy: Don said he and Glenn looked at the slide near the 4T Trail entrance on Highway 26. They met with the ODOT maintenance person to look at the slide. We will put a section of trail up and over the slide. Don said they also looked at the crosswalks on the other side of Hwy 26. The off-ramp branches into two forks. They will close one of the forks. Don said he would like the slide and the off-ramp improvements included in the ODOT budget.
Don said he wrote a letter to Oregon State Park asking what is going on for the trail in Marshall Park.
Don said he talked to people at the City about the 25th project. He was told they were too busy working on the budget to work on it. Don said he wrote Commissioner Saltzman and staff about a walk through to look at the project. Don said Commissioner Saltzman has been very helpful in the past. Don said he will write a letter to Mayor Wheeler on the Whitaker trail.
Southwest in Motion: Don said there was a change in management within PBOT on the SWIM project. He said they met with staff and they are reluctant to take neighborhood suggestions on trails. Dave said we should combine the SWIM and Urban Trail Policy projects. He said we could combine trail proposals with SWIM to take care of the trail project public meeting requirements.
Signage: Hans said he has been walking trails to look at signage to see if it was adequate. He then sends suggestions to PBOT for signage improvements. He has finished with Trail 5 and just about completed with Trail 6. Hans will migrate his documentation to the SW OneDrive folder.
Work Parties: Dave said the Woods Park trail project begun by SW Trail last summer has been finished. Don said we should make sure everyone who works on trails go to the Trail Skills workshop.
President’s Report: Dave said he made an agreement to rent a projector for $100 per year. Debbie moved to rent the projector for one year. Lee seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Don said they have discussed a trail with St. John’s Fisher and some neighbors are opposed to the trail.
Dave asked about outreach and what we should do. Doug said it was very important and he did not think it was a project. He said perhaps there should be a sub-committee on it. Don said he will talk to the Multnomah Business Association on the location of our booth for Multnomah Days. Don said he would also talk about the Hillsdale Farmer’s Market. He suggested doing that in July or August.
Don said there will be a Safe Route to School meeting on Tuesday April 25th at Jackson Middle School from 6-8pm.
Don said the Wilson cleanup will be on April 22nd from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Barbara talked about a section on Vermont where the sidewalk goes to gravel. She said there is space for a sidewalk. She said it was on the map at the open house to be paved.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm
Respectfully submitted
Lee Buhler
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