Agenda for THURSDAY May 25th 2017 7PM Meeting of SW Trails at the Watershed Building 6388 SW Capital Hwy cross street Bertha Blvd.
Approval of Agenda
Approval of last month minutes
Guest Speaker
Michelle Marx City of Portland Pedestrian Coordinator will be at this meeting to discuss the upcoming Portland Pedestrian Master Plan (PedPDX) which kicks off next month. You can read a bit more about the plan at the link below
The plan will ultimately prioritize pedestrian improvements citywide, and identify the strategies and tools PBOT will focus on to make walking safer and more comfortable.
Following Michelle’s presentation and questions we will continue with:
Next Month Hike Announcement
Next Month Work Party Announcement
Projects status on various in process or underway projects
Advocates Corner
Signs, Treasury, Membership, Social Media, updates
Other Developments and Business
Adjourn at 8:30 PM
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