Our next SW Trails meeting is August 24th at 7PM until 8:30 in the Watershed Bldg at 6388 SW Capital Hwy.
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of last month minutes
- Upcoming events
- Next Month Hike Announcement
- Next Month Work Party announcement
- Project status on in process or underway projects
- SW 25th and Bertha SRTS it is a go…
- PBOT grant update
- SWIM is going again
- Special emergency trail repair permit status
- … more…
- Advocates Corner
- Signs, Treasury, Membership, Social Media,
- Other Developments and Business
- Grant Partnering, Sponsoring, Fiscal Agent discussion
- Announcements
- Adjourn at 8:30 PM
Last month in July we had our annual picnic and a good time was had by all, so nothing to report there. As you can see in the agenda above several projects that have languished in the city coffers seem to be getting attention, thanks in large part to Don Baack’s tireless efforts. Also to be reported on at this meeting is quite a bit of sign maintenance work co-ordinated and coming soon possibly some new small directional signs in our parks. For instance in Gabriel Park if you do not know the way for SW Trail 3 it is nearly impossible to find the route.
So, stop on over and join us for some lively discussion and let us know your thoughts.
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