Our next SW Trails meeting is Thursday November 16th at 7pm until 8:30 in the Watershed Bldg at 6388 SW Capital Hwy. This meeting is moved a bit earlier in the month to make way for the fast approaching Thanksgiving. Have a great Thanksgiving and our thanks is for you our supporters and neighbor advocates who help us make SW a better walking and biking place to live.
SW TRAILS meeting / Nov. 16th, 2017, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
- Agenda
- Introductions
- Approval of Agenda (additions/changes?)
- Approval of last meeting’s minutes (Oct. 26th)
- Upcoming events
- Capitol Hwy. Open House (PBOT/BES) 11-29-17
- Others….?
- Next month’s SW Trails Hike announcement (Dec. 9th)
- Next month’s Work Party
- Project status on in-process or underway projects
- SW 25th and Bertha Safe Routes to Schools
- St John Fisher trail
- SWIM update
- Others….?
- Advocates Corner
- Committee Reports:
- Trail Audits/Signs,
- Treasury,
- Membership,
- Social Media
Main agenda item: Report & Discussion of Board’s Special Committee for “Official Project” Guidelines & Procedures — your Committee has been very busy and has a DRAFT for your consideration!
So, stop on over and join us for some lively discussion and let us know your thoughts.
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