Our next SW Trails meeting is this Thursday December 21st at 7pm until 8:30 in the Watershed Bldg at 6388 SW Capital Hwy. We know you will be completely ready for the holidays by then so why not stop over and hear about the trails we are building and maintaining and plan to build and maintain in our SW neighborhood area. Also while you are out and about walking stop over to SW 25th cross street Bertha or BH Highway and take a look at almost 100 new steps placed to make the Robert Gray safe route to school an all winter and much improved reality for our students and those heading to transit on BH Hwy or just out for a walk. Here is our Agenda for Thursday’s meeting.
SW TRAILS meeting / Dec. 21st, 2017, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Agenda Introductions
Approval of Agenda (additions/changes?)
Approval of last meeting’s minutes (Nov. 16th)
Upcoming events
- SWIM meets Jan. 4th, 4:30-6:00 pm @ Mult. Arts Center
- PBOT open house for “Sidewalks Coming to SW Vermont”, Jan. 10th, 5:30-7:30 pm @ SW Comm. Center
- Others?
Next month’s SW Trails Hike announcement (Jan. 13th)
Next month’s Work Party
Treasury, Membership, Social Media
Is our new Project Progress Checklist & Guidelines ready to be posted on our website?
Project status on in-process or underway projects
- SW 25th and Bertha Safe Routes to Schools / Don
- Maintenance & Development of SW Urban Trail Signage
St. John Fisher trail / Glenn - Bridlemile trail / Dave
- West Portland Park & school grounds trail / Dave
- Portland Parks stewardship / Dave
- SW Seymour Court / Dave
- Red Electric Bridge & Trail / Doug
- Trail Maintenance activities / Dave
- Others….?
Advocates Corner
Other Developments and Business
“Last minute” Announcements? (Next meeting Thurs., Jan. 25th)
Adjourn at 08:30 pm
We hope to see you there as the trail elves gear up for 2018.
In January we will return to having SW Trails meetings on our regular 4th Thursday, that is it will be on January 25th.
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