Our next SW Trails meeting will be this Thursday May 24th from 7pm until 8:30 in the Watershed Bldg at 6388 SW Capital Hwy. At this months meeting we will have a presentation on the newest version of the PBOT Safe Routes to School plans. Come on out and join us this Thursday.
Agenda for Thursday’s SW Trails meeting May 24th, 2018, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
- Introductions
- Approval of Agenda (additions/changes?)
- Approval of last meeting’s Minutes (Apr. 26th)
- Upcoming community events –-
- SWIM mtg: 6-07-18;
- Metro Regional Trails Fair: 6-20-18
- SWNI’s “Celebrate Our Success”: 6-4-18;
- —- others?
- Next month’s SW Trails Hike announcement (June 9th) / Sharon
- Next month’s Work Party – June 7th, 9:00 am, at the RAZ BAACK Crossing
- Treasury report / Chris
- Membership / Barbara B.
- Social Media / Barbara S.
- Report on Trail Grand Opening Celebration (May 12th) – Debbie
- Safe Routes to Schools” – PBOT staff presentation
- Volunteers needed for:
- www.swtrails.org needs a new web site manager – Doug
- A person in charge of “sponsorships” – Doug
- Project status on planned & underway projects
- Last minute news or questions?
- Advocate’s Corner / Don’s 2 items — Doug
- Other Business?
- “Last minute” Announcements? (Next meeting Thurs., June 21st)
- Adjourn at 08:30 pm (+/-)
We hope to see you there.
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