Please attend SWTrails’ Annual Meeting on Thursday Feb 28, at 7 PM in the Watershed building in Hillsdale. We will be holding an election for six (6) board members. If you are interested in serving as a Board member, please notify SWTrails by Monday, Feb. 25 of your intent. Elected board members serve for a two-year term.
SW Trails usually meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at the Watershed Building 6388 SW Capitol Hwy. Cross streets are Bertha Blvd and Capitol Hwy. Enter between the buildings in the breezeway. We are in the ground floor conference room, knock on the conference room door for entry.
If you have always wanted to get your hands dirty in local advocacy and volunteering it does not get any better than working with us on our hiking, advocating, and trail work activities. This year we are in particular need of a new Treasurer and hiking coordinator. If you can help us out it would be greatly appreciated but also the SW Trails group is your group so come on out and join in on the discussion.
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