February, 2013:  Don Baack from SWTrails PDX  attended the meeting of Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association (ACNA) to discuss helping the neighborhood develop a trail along the unimproved portion of the right-of-way (ROW) on SW Coronado between SW 16th Ave and SW Boones Ferry Rd. Some of the adjacent property owners raised objections to such development.

May 13, 2013:  Greg Raisman of the Portland Bureau of Transportation wrote a letter addressing this dispute. The gist of this letter is that the public has the right to travel through this ROW, but that a permit is needed before an official trail can be built.  Hans Steuch provided a pictorial description of the ROW and how to find it.

September 9, 2013:  SWTrails PDX sent a letter to Christine Leon of PBOT requesting the removal of a new fence encroaching upon the ROW.

December 2013:  Kurt Krueger attended the  SWTrails PDX monthly meeting.

  • Don Baack asked about the problem on the Coronado trail where an adjacent property owner built a fence. He said the fence encroaches up to 30 feet onto the 50 foot ROW.
  • Kurt Krueger of the Bureau of Transportation said there is disagreement in the office on how to handle that situation. He said they gave the owner two options: to grant a permit or remove it. Kurt said he would not give a permit as the ROW could be used at some point. He said some in the office want the fence removed now and some want to wait until there are plans for a trail. He said the trail has been used for some time and therefore they should move back a few feet.
  • Dave Manville said the trail makes a good route to Tryon Creek State Park. He said it is better than walking along Arnold where there is high traffic and no place to walk.
  • Don said if the fence is allowed to stay it would encourage people to do this in other such locations.
  • Kurt said it is difficult as the property owners are responsible to maintain the adjacent right-of-way.
  • Cary asked about liability and Don pointed out that we understand from talking with officials, that if a trail is built by volunteers with permits it takes the liability off the adjacent property owner.
  • Dave asked about the permitting process and Kurt said they are working on it.

January 5, 2014:  Don Baack sent a letter to Kurt Krueger from SWTrails about the fence along the SW Coronado ROW.

September 15, 2014: The Bboard of SW Trails sent a letter to Portland city officials (the mayor, several city councilmen, and other officials) about the possibility of SWTrails building a trail along SW Coronado.

February 10, 2015: Don Baack sent an email to Christine Leon at PBOT asking for information about the removal of encroachment request of September 9, 2013, about SW Coronado. Christine responded February 27, 2015.

On June 5, 2019 Hans Steuch testified at a Portland City Council meeting regarding adoption of the PedPDX plan in favor of including the Coronado ROW in a designation of a Neighborhood Walkway.

SWTrails PDX stands ready to assist ACNA, or any other group willing to develop a trail under City of Portland regulations (see the 2019  Portland Pathways program).

2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon