Don’t forget to attend the Freeman Walk-about & Talk-about TOMORROW (Sunday, Oct. 13) at 1-2pm, starting at the Freeman Water Tower (8625 SW 42nd Ave.). We have commitments from at least two news outlets and this will be an amazing opportunity to connect with fellow neighbors who are outraged by this underhanded sale. Please do your best to attend! A neighborhood meeting will follow at 2pm.

The walk will stick primarily to the streets (42nd Ave & Lobelia St.), but a neighbor also has volunteered to conduct a more “wild walk” through the woods for those brave neighbors who want to see the property up close & personal.
Oregon Public Broadcasting
Did you hear us on OPB? This morning OPB covered us on the radio, featuring neighbor Chris Lyons. The print article can be viewed here:
And once again, here’s a link to our YouTube video about the Freeman issue:  Please spread the word!

Woods Park Advocates <>




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