We have an opportunity to request improvements to our 7 Hillsdale Parks, Terwilliger Parkway, George Himes, Stephens Creek Natural Area, Dewitt Park, Hillsdale Park, Rieke Soccer Field, the Wilson Pool and the Red Electric bike and ped trail.

Red Electric Supporters need to show support tonight, even if you do not live in the neighborhood.

Commissioner Fritz will be deciding where 8 million dollars of system Development Charge funds will be spent in the next two months. She needs a list from the SWNI Parks Committee by November 6th. That means we need to get our act together quickly to present our requests to the Hillsdale NA by November 6th.

You are invited to meet to discuss any improvements you would like to see in our 7 parks on October 22nd at the Watershed at 7 pm. We will assemble a list, price it out best we can, then take it to the Hillsdale NA on Nov 6th to set priorities on our list to be submitted to the SWNI Parks Committee on Nov 7th.

There will be many proposals across the City, so we need to describe as best we can what is being proposed, what the proposal will cost, who will benefit, and the geographic area the improvement will serve.

For example:
Dewitt Park: new play structures for all ages similar to Harpers Playground see photos on facebook, in Arbor Lodge Park, and a drinking fountain. Cost est $200,000, Dewitt Park is adjacent to the Hillsdale Library.   Library and Dance Studio customers frequently have small children that will use the play structures as they wait for older siblings to complete their visits at the Library/Dance Studio. The multiage facility will serve seniors as well as children.

Rieke Soccer Field: New Water Bureau Loo maintained by Portland Parks. Cost Est less than $200,000 Install a Water Bureau Loo bathroom that will replace the portapotty that serves the Hillsdale Farmers Market and the players and fans of the soccer games as well as any citizens needing to go as they pass the soccer field on the SWTrails and Neighborhood Greenway Routes. Folks from all over SW enjoy the Farmers Market, the soccer field is a regional venue.

Hillsdale Park: New Water Bureau Loo and drinking fountain at entrance to the park at corner of SW Kanan and SW 25th. Est Cost less than $210,000. These facilities will serve the many soccer and baseball players and their fans playing on the Robert Gray fields as well as serve the students using the fields and parks.

Red Electric Trail: funds to define the alignment of the Red Electric Trail through Himes Park to connect up with SW Corbett, including easements and permits and basic funds to build a pedestrian trail over the route. Est Cost $100,000. The Red Electric Trail will provide an alternative pedestrian and bicycle trail which Metro modeling shows will attract a very large number of commuters who seek a safe route to the south waterfront and downtown.

You get the idea?



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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

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Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small

Michelle McCabe

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Gordy Molitor

Linda Barkus

Lisa Caballero

2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon