Work Parties This Week

Monday June 23 from 6 to 9 we will start removing blackberries along the SW 25th route to Robert Gray School. See map. Bring the tools we have used in the past to remove blackberries. This patch has been there for years so we will have a lot of brush to cut through.

We will also be setting a P line and doing elevations to establish a map of the area where we intend to construct a Safe Route to School to access Robert Gray School.

We will work Tuesday and Wednesday evening as needed.   This phase of work finished.



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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small