Volunteer trail work parties have cleared brush and blackberries at two SW Portland locations.  Their work resulted in huge piles of brush.  At the urging of SW Trails, the city has cleared away both piles of brush.

SW 25th Route to Robert Gray School

After the work party, the volunteers stand before the pile of brush they cleared.


After SW 25th right-of-way. Note the trails sign is no longer hidden by blackberries. Work was done by volunteers, both neighbors and SW Trails members.

After the brush was cleared away.

On June 23, 2014 volunteers cleared blackberries and brush as the first steps at improving the trail route on SW 25th to Robert Gray School.  The city recently carted away the large brush pile.

On June 23, 2014 volunteers cleared blackberries and brush as the first steps at improving the trail route on SW 25th to Robert Gray School. The city recently carted away the large brush pile.

Red Electric Trail at Capitol Highway.

After the work party, the volunteers stand before a pile of brush.

Work party holding "Hillsdale" signs in from of pile of blackberries

Work party holding “Hillsdale” signs in from of pile of blackberries

Now the pile of brush has been removed.

Brush removed from Red Electric Trail at SW Capital Highway

At a “Weed Pullin’ party on Nov 26, 2013 at the intersection of the proposed Red Electric Trail and SW Capital Highway, volunteers cut weeds and blackberries and trimmed trees and created a large pile of brush. The city recently removed this large pile of brush.



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Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

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Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

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Douglas Duno

Deb Small

Michelle McCabe

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Gordy Molitor

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Lisa Caballero

2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon