July 19 Sat 9 to noon, SURVEY work party to develop plans for the 25th & Bertha safe route to school route. I will have the tools necessary to get the job done. The tasks will include driving stakes into dry sod and dirt, measuring short distances, labeling the stakes, working with a stadia (a pole with dimensions on it), recording the measurements. The data will be used to construct a contour map of the area to help determine how we should lay out the steps.

If we have enough helpers, we will also remove some ivy along the route, rake up and pile the little debris that is still on site, cut out some down tree parts etc.

Bring gloves, water, good shoes, and a can do attitude.



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February 22 Portland Parks/Friends of Marshall Park Work Party

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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small

Michelle McCabe

Margaret Stambaugh

Gordy Molitor

Linda Barkus

Lisa Caballero

2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon