Monthly Work Party Thursday October 6th 9AM to Noon
Albert Kelly Park
Meet at SW 35th Place
SW Trails regular first Thursday Work Party for October 6th will at Albert Kelly Park. We will meet at the dead end of SW 35th Pl as it enters the park at 9 AM and work til NOON. As always we will be guided by Parks Lands Stewardship folks. We will be doing a trail construction project to better define and shape the trail from SW 35th Pl over to the Mitchell St entrance to the park, passing the play structure. This will be quite a long segment of work, several hundred feet and we need as many volunteers as we can get to put this segment through in a single work party. Come out and joint us, the Fall weather should be cool, and recent rains will make working the trail surface much easier
Link to Google Maps –>

Work Party location at Albert Kelly Park
Attire should be sturdy shoes, work cloths. Parks will bring water, tools, snacks, gloves. Wear layers as it is Fall and any weather is possible. We look forward to seeing you at this work party to improve walking access through Albert Kelly Park especially in wet and wintry weather.
Any questions contact
Dave Manville
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