Construction Completed, April 2021

The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services is proud to announce the completion of a major habitat restoration and bridge-building project over Tryon Creek and the reopening of SW Boones Ferry Road at SW Arnold Street on Friday, April 16.

The new Tryon Creek bridge allows the creek to flow freely. It replaces an aging culvert that had restricted water flow, causing erosion and flood surges and blocking fish and wildlife. The new 125-foot span includes two travel lanes, wide sidewalks and a trail for people and wildlife underneath it.

Visit Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services Boones Ferry Bridge Restoration Project for further details and pictures of the work entailed in completing this project.

This project was funded and supported by multiple agencies, including:

  • A generous grant from a Metro Nature in the Neighborhoods program as well as financial support for property and easement acquisition;
  • Funding from the Portland Water Bureau to replace a water main;
  • Portland Bureau of Transportation has agreed to operate and maintain the new bridge;
  • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has provided fish monitoring in the Tryon Creek system for close to a decade;
  • Oregon Parks and Recreation Department will provide maintenance of the new trail within Tryon Creek State Natural Area as well as trail restoration work between Boones Ferry Road and Marshall Park that will provide an important regional trail connection.

Other agencies and community groups involved include: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland Parks & Recreation, Friends of Tryon Creek State Park, SW Trails PDX, Tryon Creek Watershed Council, and Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association.  All of these groups and organizations have championed this project for well over a decade, and we are appreciative of the project’s completion.




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