The second in our Self-Led hiking series is a beautiful loop along Terwilliger Blvd that starts and ends at the Ida B. Wells food carts.  Read on for more details:

Name: Expanded Terwilliger Loop
Neighborhood: Hillsdale
Distance: 2.92 Mi
Elevation Change: 226 Ft
Start/End: Ida B. Wells HS Food Carts
Map Links:   Interactive Map    GPX Download

This scenic hike is mostly in the Hillsdale neighborhood where you will enjoy quiet side streets and parts of George Himes Park. It allows walkers to keep a suitable distance from others. Please be courteous and aware while in Himes Park as you will be on a standard forest trail. Watch for other walkers and gauge where you might stop to allow a goodly distance as you pass each other. Strollers will work if you bypass the Himes Park trails and keep along Terwilliger’s walkway.  There are some steps along the path in Himes Park, which you can choose to avoid by heading up the trail at the fork instead of heading down toward the steps.

Interactive Map Directions:

  • Touch the “Interactive Map” link at the top of this page to launch a web-based version of the route map from your mobile browser (i.e. chrome, or safari).
  • Touch the locate me button in the top-left corner of your display to activate a ‘blue dot’ showing your current location
  • Your blue dot will now follow the highlighted route from your mobile device!
  • Note, you may have to grant permission to allow the application to access location services.

Step-by-step Directions:
The trail’s beginning is marked at Wells High School/Hillsdale Food Carts, but you can jump in at any point along the way as it is a loop and you will end back where you began.

Our stroll will begin on the walking path between Ida B. Wells High and Rieke Elementary, continue east on SW Vermont/Chestnut to Terwilliger. There we will continue north on Terwilliger and enter Himes Park at SW Nebraska. We’ll then wander down the path (again, you will come to a fork, one heading down with steps, which you can take down as far as you want; you will then retrace your steps and head up the other side of the fork), then head back up at the fork in the path to Terwilliger and continue north, cross SW Capital Hwy, and walk to SW Westwood. We’ll then head back to Wells High via SW Cheltenham, SW Pendleton, and SW Sunset.


Happy Trails,



Elevation model for Hike #2



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