The eighth in our self-led hiking series is a great overview of Hillsdale.  Read on for more details:

Name: Hillsdale City Parks
Neighborhood: Hillsdale
Distance: 2.77 Mi
Rating: Easy
Elevation Change: 271 Ft
Start/End: Ida B. Wells/Hillsdale Food Carts
Map Links:   Interactive Map    GPX Download

This walk is less than 3 miles and takes you northwest of the Hillsdale business area, up between Robert Gray MS and Hillsdale Park (with its off-leash dog area), across the bridge above the middle school, and up through Dosch Estates with several heritage trees along the route before circling back to your starting point at Ida B. Wells High School. You will be walking on the shoulder of SW Sunset for a while, so be aware of traffic.

Interactive Map Directions:

  • Touch the “Interactive Map” link at the top of this page to launch a web-based version of the route map from your mobile browser (i.e. chrome, or safari).
  • Touch the locate me button in the top-left corner of your display to activate a ‘blue dot’ showing your current location
  • Your blue dot will now follow the highlighted route from your mobile device!
  • Note, you may have to grant permission to allow the application to access location services.

Step-by-step Description:
Although this is walk is a loop and you can jump in anywhere along the route, for the purposes of this description the walk starts at Wells High School food trucks. Head west on SW Capitol Hwy to SW Nebraska where you turn right. Turn right (north) on SW 25th ROW, cross SW Bertha and head up to SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, where you will cross the Hwy and head uphill to SW Kanan St. Turn left and enter Hillsdale City Park, staying on the path close to the back fence of Robert Gray MS. Walk up the path paralleling the school fence; turn left to continue on the path where the school fence ends. Walk across the bridge to SW Boundary St; turn left (west) and walk to SW Dosch where you will turn right to walk along SW Dosch for a short distance to SW Dosch Park Ln; turn right. There are several heritage trees along Dosch Park Ln, so stay alert and find them. Dosch Park Ln curves left to SW Campbell; turn right and walk to SW Sunset Blvd where you will turn right. You will be walking on the shoulder of the road for a short distance, so be aware of traffic. Turn left onto SW 19th Dr (the sign also says SW 25th at the intersection), then turn right onto SW 18th and walk back to Sunset Blvd (this little jag gets you off Sunset and onto a side street). Turn left on Sunset and head back to Wells High School where you began.

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #swtrails to share your very best pictures.

Happy Trails,







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