Victor Salinas, Community Engagement Coordinator, 503-823-3093

PORTLAND – Nominations are now being accepted for the 30th annual Spirit of Portland awards. If you know of an individual or group who has helped make Portland a better place to live, work, study, pray or play, please nominate them for one of the 2014 awards.

Celebrated since 1985, the Spirit of Portland award ceremony is an important way for the city to recognize and celebrate those who make who make outstanding contributions to our community. Each year, there are roughly 20 winners.

Award recipients will be chosen based on any of the following criteria:

  • Assisting in the implementation of outstanding projects
  • Enriching and revitalizing our community and neighborhoods
  • Providing the community with a special service
  • Demonstrating responsiveness, creativity and civic values
  • Raising cross-cultural awareness
  • Acting as good steward of the environment

Nominations are due in the Office of Neighborhood Involvement by 4 p.m. Friday, September 12, 2014. Nomination forms are available at or by contacting Victor Salinas, at 503-823-3093 or They may also be picked up at the Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI), 1221 SW Fourth Ave, Room 110, Portland, OR 97204.

The awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center – Atrium – 501 N. Graham St. Portland, OR 97227

Spirit of Portland award recipients are chosen by a selection committee composed of representatives from the Mayor’s and City Commissioners’ offices, the Office of Neighborhood Involvement, the Neighborhood District Coalition offices, Diversity and Civic Leadership Program partners, Business Associations, non-profit community organizations, and past award winners.



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