There is a trail that runs from the Stevens Creek subdivision to Robert Gray school.

In the map below Fanno Creek runs right where the black arrow points.  The trail has a very steep grade from there north up to Beaverton Hillsdale highway.

The trail from the Stevens Creek housing development goes past the Middleman Community Center along unimproved SW 25th and on to Robert Gray Middle School.  The black arrow points to the trail section at Fanno Creek.

The trail from the Stevens Creek housing development goes past the Middleman Community Center along unimproved SW 25th and on to Robert Gray Middle School. The black arrow points to the trail section at Fanno Creek.

SW Trails has been working for some time to improve this difficult piece of trail. There were work parties on June 23, July 19, and Aug 12. (See pictures of work parties here),  This work was done mainly so that kids walking to Gray middle school from south of Beaverton Hillsdale highway have a good way to get there. This became particularly urgent after the $50MM Stephens Creek affordable housing project on the corner of 26th and Capitol opened.

Click on map to enlarge it.



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2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon