Walkers on the September 2014 monthly SW Trails hike. This month there were 19 people who walked around the Portland waterfront and Esplanade. The Steel Bridge in the background was built in 1912 with a rare design. It’s the only double-deck bridge with independent lifts in the world. Cars and MAX go on the upper deck, pedestrians and AmTrack trains go on the lower deck.

SW Trails walk took us over the I5 Freeway on the Gibbs Street pedestrian bridge. This bridge, officially dedicated in 2013 as the “US Congresswoman Darlene Hooley Pedestrian Bridge” goes directly under the Tram to OHSU. You can see the Tram cables in the background directly over the hikers. Mt. Hood which is directly between the Tram cables doesn’t show up in this picture despite the clear blue sky.
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