SW 45th & California LID: Council Consideration of Resolution to Initiate LID Formation Proceedings on 9/17/14 – 9:30 AM Time Certain

Here is the Council agenda item:


Here is a map of the planned improvements.


We are planning a new west sidewalk on SW 45th Avenue from Vermont to California, which eventually will connect to Multnomah Blvd. The abutting property owners with whom I’ve spoken have not expressed opposition to the parking removal to facilitate the new sidewalk, but parking removal may be the subject of testimony. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to discuss the upcoming LID Council agenda item, please feel welcome to contact me.

Thank you,

Andrew Aebi MBA

Local Improvement District Administrator | City of Portland | Bureau of Transportation
w 503.823.5648 | f 503.823.7371 | andrew.aebi@portlandoregon.gov |www.portlandoregon.gov – services menu – local improvement districts



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