The monthly meeting of SW Trails will be at 7 pm on July 30 at The Watershed Building in Hillsdale 6388 SW Capitol Hwy Portland OR.


Approval of Agenda
Approval of May and June minutes as found on

A. Presentations by BES on

  1. Proposed Fanno Creek culvert replacement on SW 45th just north of BH Hwy, behind Joe Burgers.
  2. Proposed storm water and trail changes to SW 19th at Taylors Ferry Road
  3. Update on plans for the new bridge (not culvert) over Tryon Creek at Boones Ferry Road near Arnold.
  4. Time permitting, discussion of schedule of daylighting of creek in Albert Kelley Park and trail therein.

Related but not part of BES presentation: Discussion of final draft of the Tryon Stephens Headwaters Neighborhood Street Plan, now available on line at

Please try to read it and offer your thoughts & comments at the meeting.

B. Discussion of request by Friends of Marquam

for support of Portland Parks budget item to build more trails in the part of Marquam Park south of Marquam Hill Road and east of Fairmount. Specifically SWTrails is being asked by this friends group to lead the effort to build a short segment of trail from the old logging road up to Fairmount.

C. Discussion of Work Party, booth and parade manning for August:

August 4th 6-8pm Rick Kappler requests a booth at Bridalmile NA neighborhood night out needs 1 volunteer to help set up and take down old canopy and talk with folks about the Red Electric
August 5th 5:30-8pm South Portland Health Fair and music concert at Willamette Park We will need to set up canopy, pass out information et al. Free Parking in the boat launch parking lot.
August 6, 9am to noon Work Party on Buhler Cutoff which runs from Terwilliger 1000 feet down to Barbur Blvd at the bus stop at the Rasmussen Apartments. Bring water, good work shoes and your favorite tools or use those parks supplies. work will be spreading some additional gravel, redoing water bars, pruning brush and generally maintenance. Park on Terwilliger, we will mark or shuffle cars to make sure they do not get ticketed.
August 15 8:30am to 4pm Set up canopy, et al hand out literature and talk with folks about the SWTrails efforts to get a reasonable Trails Policy for SW Portland, the need for city funding our trails maintenance and discuss Red Electric, Hillsdale to Lake Oswego and other trails. We need volunteers to cover the whole day, it will be very busy in the morning after the parade til 1 or 2, then not so busy.
August 15 9-11am line up to partcipate in the Multnomah Days parade, organizers ask for a can of food for Neighborhood House as a token charge to partcipate. The parade is a lot of fun, bring your dog if they are ok with crowds. Parade starts at 10, will be over by 11.

Anyone willing to be parade captain? This will involve reserving a spot in the parade line which will begin forming before 9am, getting the banner assembled and carried to the start point of the parade, recruiting volunteers to walk in the parade, wearing their SWTrails walking vests if possible, thanking everyone afterward for being in the parade, and finally returning the banner to the booth where we will set it up in the back of the booth.

D. Discussion of Framework for Stewardship Agreement with PBOT.

Discussion of the Proposed Trails Policy and our response to the latest note from Erika Nebel, staff for Commissioner Novick.

To: Don Baack
Thanks for your patience, Don. I meant to get back to you sooner. Following up on the conversation we had at the Terwilliger meeting about trails.

The immunity language is on the draft document on page 2 ( Let me know if you have any proposed changes.

On the second draft document, there were only two options: 1) 75% of adjacent neighbors, or 2) 50% of households within ¼ mile of the ROW. Sara’s proposing to add a third option since there is support to reincorporate neighborhood association approval. Requirements would include, 50% of adjacent neighbors and a letter of support from the neighborhood association. This combines the adjacent neighbor idea that we talked about at the end of the Terwilliger meeting with the desire for neighborhood approval. I think these three options for neighborhood approval are reasonable and gives an adequate number of options to start off with. What’s your reaction?

We need to prepare a response from the board. Please re read the policy & the comments sent out last week and be prepared to express your view of the specific language we should request be included in the policy document. Bring copies of your proposal if you can. We need at least 9 copies for the board members.

The following announcement is the same as the last notice I sent out July 23rd.

Please Contact City about your views of the Trails Policy. They are listening.

Here are the key issues we want included in the trails policy:

1. Allow Neighborhood Associations to approve trails in their neighborhoods. The last draft removed them from the process.

2. Include clear language defining the responsibilities and rights of the adjacent property owners: ie They have the responsibilitly of maintaining the trail and must not block pedestrian access in any way. Include the phone number and email address for the Bureau of Development Services contact to get obstructions removed.

Adjacent property owners also have the liability for anything happening along their part of the trail.

And: the adjacent property owners can arrange for a non profit to maintain the trail if a city permit is issued and the non profit is agreeable to do the maintenance.

3. If an adjacent property owner has encroachments that limit the safe and convenient passage of pedestrians, the city of Portland Bureau of Transportation will immediately assure the encroachments are removed, no matter if a permit for a trail is issued or not. In recent months PBOT staff have refused to issue orders to the adjacent property owners to remove well documented obstructions to pedestrian passage.

4. Request a process to address our dozens of unbuilt rights of way connections, demand trails, so that if 60% of the lineal feet of adjacent property owners request the connection be maintained by a non profit and the non profit is agreeable, the city will issue a permit without further process. This will relieve the adjacent property owner of the responsibility of maintaining the trail and will remove his liability when the trail is up to city standards.
5. Instruct PBOT to organize and fund one or more partnerships with non-profit organizations to do trail maintenance in specific geographic areas and identify a staff person being the trail voice in an organization that has largely ignored this important transportation resource.

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Hikes and Walks

January 11 2nd Saturday Hike

January 18 3rd Saturday Walk

February 8 2nd Saturday Hike

February 15 3rd Saturday Walk

March 8 2nd Saturday Hike

March 15 3rd Saturday Walk

April 12 2nd Saturday Hike

April 19 3rd Saturday Walk

May 10 2nd Saturday Hike

May 17 3rd Saturday Walk

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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small

2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon