SW Trails has been rebuilding about 600 feet of trail through the North side of Albert Kelly Park. This is the route of SW Trail 7 going through the park. We (about 10 intrepid volunteers) have completed the sod cutting and initial gravel work in 2 prior work parties. This Friday we will be finishing the trail re-build by placing some small size gravel and filling dips and grading and compacting the trail surface to create a smooth all weather surface for walking through the park in summer and winter.

Come out and join us between 8:30 and 11:30 on Friday June 17th

Here is a link to the location https://goo.gl/maps/tYMRmL7CDMn

Park on SW Lee or SW 35th Pl and walk into the Park on the new trail.

Attire should be sturdy shoes, work cloths and gloves. Bring water and a snack if you like. We could use a wheel barrow or 2 and a couple of stiff grass rakes to spread the fine gravel. Wear layers as it is Spring and any weather is possible. Looking forward to seeing you at this work party,

Any questions contact
Dave Manville



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Our Sponsors:

Don Baack

Jason Bergstrom

Chris and Dianne Mays

Don and Melinda McCoy

Cynthia Chilton and Ed Abrahamson

Ramsay Weit

Clay Funkhouser

Kenneth Brown

Jack Callahan

Virginia Hendrickson

Robin and Jay Wendlandt

Michael and Holly Kazarinoff

Scott and Aloha Wyse

Nancy Murray and Bob Wise

Douglas Duno

Deb Small

2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon