Portland’s Environmental Services is designing a project to expand the Texas Wetland near SW Texas St and 26th Ave. The project, at the headwaters of Stephens Creek, will include a new stream bed, a wetland, and native plantings. The site, which is currently an empty lot, will soon help to clean and filter stormwater runoff before it flows into Stephens Creek. Construction is tentatively expected in Summer, 2018.

SW 25 to SW 26 proposed path

Proposed path east from wetland at bottom of SW Texas. Path will go from SW 26th to SW 25th.

New Connector Trail for Pedestrians

The project will also include a reconfiguration of the current trail through the Texas Wetland, and provide a connection from SW Texas Street to a new pedestrian trail that will be constructed on the site to the east. This will help provide pedestrian connectivity from neighborhoods near SW Texas to SW Capitol Hill Road, Hillsdale, and beyond.



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2024 SWTrails PDX - Portland Oregon